Body Watch

Help test out a new body composition device

Body Watch

A new study needs you! to participate by testing out a body composition feature on the new Samsung Galaxy watches.

Participants will required to make a one-time visit to the UH Cancer Center Body Composition Lab, which will take around 1.5 hours.

The researchers are looking for people who are 18-80 years old, do not have metal objects or medical implants, and have a Body Mass Index (BMI) under 18.5 or over 30 (calculate your BMI here) – but there may still be space available in other categories).

Participants do not need an Android phone, since all the necessary equipment is in the lab. Participants will receive a Gift Card for their time, as well as their body composition results.

“This study explores the use of a new and portablebody composition device that measures body fat,” says John Shepard, a member of the Nutritional Sciences graduate program based in the Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food & Animal Sciences. “If you are interested in participating, please call (808) 440-5234."

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