Wanted: Wetland Conservation Planner

Deadline to apply is August 16

Wanted: Wetland Conservation Planner

If you’re passionate about local agriculture and land stewardship (and need to pay the bills), the Oʻahu Resource Conservation & Development Council is looking for a Wetland Conservation Planner to join their team.

According to the Oʻahu RC&D, the salary is “highly competitive with nonprofits of our budget size and geographic location, and offers vacation and medical benefits, 401(k) matching, and opportunities for professional development.” Visit the nonprofit for application details.

In other Oʻahu RC&D news:

  • the popular Hawai'i Women Farmers Network (WFN) Summer Webinar Series has been posted online, featuring ‘behind the scene’ stories of challenges and ingenuity in responding to the pandemic.
  • mini-grant applications are being accepted from new and developing agri-tourism operations on any Hawaiian Island. The program aims to support the implementation of capacity-building projects.

For other news, meetings, programs and more, visit the Oʻahu RC&D.

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