Honoring Our Past, Growing Our Future

  • 11 October 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 10843
Honoring Our Past, Growing Our Future

As you probably know, 2018 marks a very special time for Hawai‘i Cooperative Extension and the Hawai‘i 4-H Program! Ninety years ago, in 1928, the Territory of Hawai‘i and the University of Hawai‘i were recognized by the United States Congress to be eligible for Smith-Lever funds, the key funding mechanism for Extension programs of land-grant universities across the country. And 100 years ago, in 1918, the precursor to the Hawai‘i 4-H Program was born on the Island of Maui, as UH Experiment Station director Fredrick Krauss started the first Boys’ Swine Club with 31 plantation boys near the town of Haiku. There will be a celebration luncheon in honor of these two CTAHR milestones, and the CTAHR ‘ohana is invited to participate in commemorating Hawai’i’s past while looking toward the future! It’s all happening on Wednesday, November 7, at the Ala Moana Hotel’s Hibiscus Ballroom. Check-in is at 11:00 a.m.; the luncheon program is 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more information and to register, please go to the event website or complete and return the attached registration form with your payment. The registration deadline is October 26. If you have questions, you can contact Stephanie Cadelinia by phone at 956-8139 or email her at extension@ctahr.hawaii.edu. Please forward this invitation to CTAHR retirees, stakeholders, and friends who may be interested in attending!

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