CTAHR's 2020 Annual Report

We dealt with a pandemic, worked from home, taught a different way, and figured out how to keep up with research and Extension

CTAHR's 2020 Annual Report

“One may think that with all that going on, we could not get much more accomplished,” writes Dean Nicholas Comerford in CTAHR’s 2020 Annual Report. “But the truth is, we had a productive year. Our student population was the largest in the history of the college, we continued our trend of increasing extramural grants, and – with fewer faculty – our refereed journal publications increased by 14% over last year.”

Currently, CTAHR is down 60 faculty and staff positions (and counting), representing 20% of our personnel.

However, UHM’s post-pandemic approach, as defined by the President, situates CTAHR in a good position. Our college represents those areas that have been identified for investment: Agriculture (TPSS, PEPS, HNFAS, MBBE), Natural Resource Conservation (NREM), Engineering (MBBE), and Health and Social Welfare (MBBE, HNFAS, FCS). We’re also meeting the goals of the UHM campus, meaning CTAHR is highly relevant to the university and to the state.

In summary, Instruction/Research/Extension – the three components that make up a land grant college – found ways to continue activities and impact, even during a budget and public health crisis. CTAHR exhibited its value to the university and to the state of Hawai‘i. The current year still presents us with challenges, but faculty and staff have shown that challenges are simply obstacles to be overcome.

Read the full 2020 Annual Report.

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