Horticulture in Chicago

TPSS attends the first post-Covid ASHS conference

Horticulture in Chicago

Pent-up demand for professional gatherings was on full display as the Dept. of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences headed to Da Windy City for the Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science.

Kenneth Leonhardt, Teresita Amore, Orville Baldos, Jensen Uyeda, Emilie Kirk, Kylie Tavares, Benjamin Wiseman, and Kent Kobayashi took in the latest science and technology related to horticulture. The conference included many technical sessions, oral and E-poster presentations, keynote speakers, workshops, and symposia. Student events were emphasized, including student competitions, education and career day, professional tours, student trivia night, student awards night, and resume review sessions.

Teresita Amore organized and led an Orchid Greenhouse Tour of two of the oldest and largest orchid production greenhouses in the Chicago area. The group also treated themselves to r13 professional and sightseeing tours, including a grand tour of Chicago, Chicago River Boat Architecture Tour, Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Tour, Chicago Botanical Garden, Morton Arboretum, and Ball Horticultural Company facilities.

“I was excited to share plant propagation research that was done by my graduate and undergraduate students!” - Orville

“This conference was a great opportunity to connect face to face with colleagues from different institutions across the US. It gave us the time to meet with our multistate turmeric and ginger project team, including collaborators in Texas, Florida, Indiana, and Hawaii.” - Emilie

”My favorite part of the ASHS conference was meeting people!” - Ben

”Our TPSS Department had the best recruitment table at the Career and Graduate School Fair!” - Kent

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