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Ambassadors are Busy Bees
Kellie Taguchi
/ Categories: ASAO, Recruitment

Ambassadors are Busy Bees

CTAHR Ambassador Brent Shigano (MBB) represented the college at the KCC STEM Fair while Ambassadors Richard Ho (BE), Brooke Kawamura (MBB), and Sabrina Summers (BE) presented to two sessions of HDFS 230, totaling nearly 200 students! We are looking to expand the number of classroom presentations and fairs in the coming semester, so please contact Mandy, mchen22@hawaii.edu, if you are interested in having ambassadors visit your class. This may be most effective for introductory classes that have a population of non-CTAHR students who may be interested in CTAHR programs. 

Meet our amazing ambassadors on our new CTAHR Student Ambassadors page! These students seek active involvement with the college and assist in recruiting prospective students, encouraging student participation in CTAHR, and positively portraying CTAHR to the University and community at large. Know of a great undergraduate who is outgoing, looking to be more involved, and you think would make a great ambassador? Please email Mandy for an application and interview. Keep in mind that being an ambassador is a "lifetime" appointment (til the student graduates) unless they are unable to fulfill their duties. 

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