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Final Events for the Semester!
Kellie Taguchi
/ Categories: ASAO, Events

Final Events for the Semester!

The end of Spring 2023 is coming up!  Don't miss CTAHR's finals events for the year!

Friday, April 28 - April Cooking Show.  Join FSHN Instructor Lara Hackney as we explore Thai cuisine with Pad See Ew, Thai Basil Eggplant, and Mango Sticky Rice.  All free student kits have been reserved, but registration is still open if you'd like to join us on Zoom and receive the recipes!

Sunday, April 30 - UHM 57th Annual Fashion Show.  Cheer on our junior and senior designers at the Supersonic Fashion Show at the Hawaii Convention Center at 5 pm.  Limited general registration tickets available.  Please email Carol Oshiro, tranc@hawaii.edu, to claim!  The tickets will be offered on a first come first serve basis.

Saturday, May 6 - CTAHR Convocation.  Celebrate our graduates at Kennedy Theatre!  Visit the Convocation website for more information.

Sunday, May 7 - Lei Making Workshop.  CTAHR Alumni and Friends is hosting a workshop at St. John 10.  Come learn 4 different types of lei: Ti Leaf Lei Po‘o, Eyelash Yarn Lei, Ribbon Lei, Money Lei *We will be using paper to demonstrate. If you would like to use $$$, bring up to 35 - $1 bills.  Student registration is closed but spaces are still available for Alumni, Friends, and Community Members.  

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