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February 9 & 10 2024 Turmeric Farmer & Community Field Day


Web Resources

Hawai‘i Diamondback Moth Insecticide Resistance Management Program

Integrated Pest Management of Tomato Virus Diseases

Melon Fruit Fly Preferred Roosting Host Plants

Off-Season Mango Production

Farm Food Safety Program Updates

February 15, 2024  Symbiotic Impact of Agroecology and the Soil Food Web

April 5, 2024 Soil Health Workshop

April 12, 2024 HFUU Hawai'i Agri-Tour

April 18, 2024 LIFE Resource Fair, Hilo 

April 25, 2024 Molokai Turmeric Workshop

May 15, 2024 Nematode Management Workshop, Kunia

May 29, 2024 MA'O Farms: Community Conversations

June 29 Banana Bunchy Top Virus Workshop

June 15, 2024 Sweetpotato Workshop

June 18, 2024 Kauai Banana Workshop


Jan 30, 2023, Avocado Lace Bug Virtual Workshop

February 7, 2023 Coffee Leaf Rust Research and Management Updates

Feb 7 Use and Timing of Priaxor Xemium Applications for Coffee Leaf Rust in Hawai'i

Feb 14 Management of Coffee Root-knot Nematodes on CLR infested Farms

Feb 21 An Example of a Calendar-based CLR Management Schedule with Organic or Preventative Fungicides

Feb 28 Brief Update on Field Trials of Systemic and Biological Fungicies for the Management of CLR

            IR-4 Pesticide Registration Program Update on CLR

            Managing CLR: A Research Update


February 23, 2023 Indigenous Food Systems: Promoting Local Food Sustainability  CTAHR’s Food Systems Working Group 

Indigenous Food Systems featured CTAHR leaders of projects around indigenous agriculture systems, crops, food, and resource management.
Opening Remarks Glenn Teves | PDF
‘ōiwi Agriculture Systems Natalie Kurshima
Genetic Diversity of Crops Michael Kantar | PDF
Indigenous Resource Management Kawika Winter
Breadfruit Revitalization Noa Lincoln
Connecting Through Indigenous Food Jennifer Hawkins

February 24, 2023 Kona Coffee Farmers Association | KCFA Coffee Symposium pic 1, pic 2, pic 3, pic 4 

February 25, 2023 Kona Coffee Farmers Association | Coffee Roasting Workshop

April 15, 2023 Calibrate & Respirate

April 27, 2023 Growing Together: Farmers, Food Hubs, & Community Perspectives highlighted projects connecting members of the community to the local food system.

Keynote Daniela Spoto, Director Anti-Hunger Initiatives
Assisting with Climate-Smart Practices Susan Crow
Improving Food Systems via Food Hubs Saleh Azizi
Attitudes towards Farming & Local Purchases Thao Le
Building a Sustainable Farm in Hawaiʻi Haley Miyaoka

May 5, 2023, Avocado Lace Bug Virtual Workshop

June 20, 2023, Organic Mini-Conference video 1

                    Organic Mini-Conference video 2       

                     Food Safety- Organic

                     GoFarm HI 

                     Hawai'ian Earth Recycling

                     IPM for Organic

                     NRCS Source- Organic

                     Nutrient Source- Organic

                     Organic Pesticide

                     Prescription of Soil Health

                     Plant Growth

                     SOAP- Organic

                     Seed for Organic

                     Sunn Hemp Cover Crop

September 14, 2023 What Makes Farming in Hawaii Attractive? covered education and economic information relevant for current and future local farmers in Hawaii.

Intro Sothy Eng
Keynote Cheryse Kaui Sana, GM, Ma‘o Organic Farms
Land Leasing Opportunities Brian Kau | PPT
Economic Opportunity of Farming Catherine Chan | PDF
Educational Opportunities Alyssa Lee | PPT

Sept 27, 2023 DIY Ag-Technology Workshop 

                    Build Your Own Tensiometer

                    DIY Harvest Bin Sled

                    Networked Sensors and Automated Controls

                    Microgreen Seed Planter

                    Relative Humidity (RH) Calibration and Testing

December 6, 2023 Innovation & Entrepreneurship of Local Food Products focused on developing local food products   

Enhancing Hawaii Products Jon-Paul Bingham
Slow Island Food & Beverage Gida Snyder
Value-Added Product Development Christopher Bailey
Q & A                   


GoFish Seminars 2021 

Water Quality Workshop January 10, 2021

Awa Harvest February 7, 2021

Compost Quanlity Workshop June 30, 2021 Flickr Photos

Tensiometer Workshop August 5, 2021

All things Ulu October 6, 2021 - video

31st Annual Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers Conference October 19, 2021

Virtual Mini-Conference: Sustainable and Organic Farm Practices Oct 28

  1. Banana Tissue Culture Seedlings & BBTV Prevention & Control.

  2. Benefits of Cover Crops for Water Conservation

  3. Off-Season Mango Production.

  4. Pesticides Rotation to Control Thrips in Bulb-onion.

Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program Edible Crops Research and Extension - Nov 5, 2021 virtual

  1. Welcome & WSARE Update
  2. Crop Profiles Website Update
  3. Banana Planting Systems and BBTV
  4. Vegetable Variety Trials 
  5. Turmeric Updates
  6. Cacao Living Cages as Possible Alternative to Wire Cages
  7. Heirloom Tomatoes as a Potential New Crop
  8. Onion Thrips Management Update
  9. Basil Varieties Updates


Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training - Hilo Jan 17, 2020

Hilo Women in Agriculture Conference - Jan 25, 2020

1st Annual CTAHR Day - UH Manoa Jan 31, 2020

HOFA | Statewide Financial Opportunities Workshops for Organic Farmers  - Kona Jan 22, 2020

Ulu Cultivation Workshop - Feb 1, 2020

Pruning Workshop - Feb 22, 2020

Follow-up Pruning Demonstration Video April 2020 (Link)

Kauai Trumeric Workshop - March 1, 2020

Ginger Workshop for Farmers | Ginger Planting, Harvesting, Testing, and Storing - March 12, 2020

Virtual Turmeric Workshop and Drive-up Giveaway - May 28, 2020 - Virtual Workshop (Slides Only), (Audio/Video)

Virtual Potato Production Webinar - June 17, 2020 (Slides Only) (Audio/Video)

Soil Health and IPM Mini Confernce -August 4, 2020 (Slide Show 1) (Slide Show 2) (Slide Show 3) (Slide Show 4) (Slide Show 5) (Slide Show 6) (Slide Show 7) (Video)

Taro, from Field to Plate Virtual Event - Sept 24, 2020 (Slides) (video)

Virtual Garlic Workshop - Sept 28, 2020 (Slides) (Video)


Soil Health Workshop Series
January 28, 2015, Waimanalo Experiment Station
February 7, 2015, Poamoho Experiment Station

In collaboration with program partners, USDA NRCS, CTAHR’s Centre of Rural Agricultural Training and Entrepreneurship (CRATE) and Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program’s (SOAP) hosted two educational field days showcasing the diversity and benefits of cover crops; no-till farming systems; cover crop calculations, locally available nutritional supplements; and so much more.

Television Coverage

Soil Quality Demonstration


Soil Quality Presentation


Soil quality workshop - outdoor classroom

Additional Resources

Soil Infographic