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The following sites are just a few that PIE-Hawai‘i looks to for unbiased information. We know there is a lot of misinformation out there—we hope you find these as helpful as we do!

Best food factsBest Food Facts

Best Food Facts is a site that addresses topics about our food. From food facts to recipes, this site delivers balanced information to the public in an understandable language. Do you have a question about food that is not answered on the site? You can ask their experts!



pie centerCenter for Public Issues Education - Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida

Our east coast family! The PIE Center in the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida has been at the PIE game for over six years. We look to them as an example in all matters PIE. Check them out and see what agricultural and natural resource issues they are addressing in Florida!



CTAHRCollege of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii

The College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources is where we are housed and the faculty across the College is doing some really interesting research! This link takes you to the Publication and Information Central page—a place where you can find resources about Hawai‘i’s plants, pests…even children and family. We suggest clicking on the “Browse CTAHR publications by general subject categories” link to get started!



If you require information in an alternative format, please contact us