Monday, March 3, 2025
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Hawaii System
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources


Minimum course requirements: Twelve credits of 600-level courses (not including MBBE 699), six credits of 400 level courses (not including MBBE 499), 6 credits of MBBE 699 and 6 credit of MBBE 700.  The list of approved courses is presented under the “courses” tab above.  Your major advisor and the Graduate Chair must approve all courses to be taken.  Graduate students are encouraged to take 1 credit seminar (MBBE 610 or equivalent) each academic year.  They require at least one seminar credit for MS degree.  The thesis proposal or defense seminar cannot be used to meet this requirement.

Two-page proposal. MS students shall define and discuss their research projects with their major advisors and write a two-page research proposal with specific objectives within the first semester.

A thesis proposal seminar: MS students need to present their preliminary results and plan of research in a proposal seminar within one year of entrance.  MS students who conduct research in laboratories outside the Manoa campus may present their proposal seminars in their laboratory locations.

Presentation at the CTAHR symposium. MS plan-A students must make at least one presentation in the CTAHR symposium.  They are encouraged to make presentations in other national and international conferences.

Thesis defense. MS plan-A students must make a public presentation of their thesis research in the final semester (preferably within two years of entrance).  Students should consult with their committee and the Graduate Chair in advance to ensure a convenient and available date for this presentation that will also meet graduate division deadlines.  A seminar notice must be posted in appropriate places in the department and other important locations.  A seminar notice must also be sent by email to all MBBE graduate faculty and students.

Publication. Students are encouraged to publish a paper in a peer-reviewed scientific journal before the defense date.  In publications, the MBBE departmental address should appear as the students’ primary or secondary address. For details, please see “General guidelines and requirements for PhD degree in MBBE”.

Suggested Completion Date

Admission Deadline
Year 1
Choose PI and Project

 Form Committee
 Proposal Presentation
 Form II
Year 2
Thesis Final Defense
 Thesis Submission
 Form IV


Required for Degree Completion

 1 - 610 credit per year
 6 - 400 level credits
 12 - 600 level credits
 11 - 699 research credits
 6 - 700 research credits
 Present in CTAHR Symposium
 Publish in Peer-Reviewed Journal (optional)



Minimum course requirements: Eighteen credits of 600-level courses (excluding MBBE 699), nine credits of 400 level courses (excluding MBBE 499), three credits of MBBE 699.  Graduate students are encouraged to take one credit seminar (MBBE 610 or equivalent) each academic year.  They require at least one seminar credit for MS degree.  The final research presentation cannot be used to meet this requirement.  The Graduate Chair must approve all courses.

Research report, final presentation and oral exam. The plan-B students also do a research project for at least two semesters.  The results of this research should be written as a ‘research report’ and submitted to a committee composed of the research advisor, another faculty and the Graduate Chair.  The results also must be presented as a seminar in the final semester.  At the end of the presentation, the committee will ask questions about the research project and other related subjects.  The written report should be about 10-20 pages, double spaced, with the following sections:  abstract (200-300 words), introduction (background and justification, 1- page), literature review (3-7 pages), objectives, materials and methods (3-7 pages), results and discussion (3-10 pages), and references.  For graduation, a student must obtain a satisfactory evaluation of the research report, oral presentation, and in response to the committee’s questions.

Suggested Completion Date

 Year 1
 Choose PI and Project
 Form Committee
 Year 2
 Project Presentation and Oral Exam
 Report Submission
 1 - 610 credit
 Required for Degree Completion
 9 - 400 level credits
 18 - 600 level credits
 3 - 699 research credits

Department of Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering
1955 East West Rd.
Agricultural Sciences 218
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 956-8384
Fax: (808) 956-3542

Department Chair
Dr. Pratibha Nerurkar

Graduate Chair
Dr. Qing Li
Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering

Graduate Program Info
Proposal Seminar
Defense Seminar
Announcement Flyer

If you require information in an alternative format, please contact us at:

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