Wednesday, March 12, 2025
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Hawaii System
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources

Aloha and Welcome

MBBE PhD candidate, Rina Carrillo
MBBE PhD candidate, Rina Carrillo, was awarded the Helen Jones Farar ARCS award for her research on protein disulfide isomerase 9. Her research is focused on furthering our understanding of how plants mitigate climate-induced damage such as heat and drought stress, and promote future agricultural advancements in the field.
Michael Honda
The 2020 ARCS Scholarship Award: MBBE PhD student Michael Honda was awarded the 2020 Kai Bowden ARCS Award for his outstanding research on “the role of mimosine as a phytosiderophore for metallic cation uptake and environmental stress tolerance in Leucaena leucocephala”.
Dr. Qing Li
Dr. Qing Li received the Board of Reagent’s Outstanding Research Award in 2020. He also received the American Chemical Society (ACS) Award for Research in Chemistry of Agriculture in 2017 and ACS International Award for Research in Agrochemicals in 2020.
Dr. Pratibha Nerurkar
Dr. Pratibha Nerurkar received the Board of Reagent’s Outstanding Mentoring Award in 2020.
Dr. Samir Khanal
Dr. Samir Khanal received the Board of Reagent’s Outstanding Research Award in 2018.
Luz Hilario won first place in the Ph.D. poster competition at the CTAHR SRS.
Kazue Ishihara was awarded a Monsanto fellowship.
Graduate students Pikky (left) and Devin (right) measure biofuel production.
Prof. Khanal’s BE410 class visits the Pacific Biodiesel Plant on the Big Island.
Ph.D. Graduation!
Professor David A. Christopher received the CTAHR
Professor David A. Christopher received the CTAHR Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching of Biotechnology in 2022. He also received the Dean's Award for Excellence in Research in 2012.

The Department of Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering (MBBE) is involved in teaching, innovation and application of modern technology for agricultural and industrial development in Hawaii. We teach Biological Engineering, Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, Bioinformatics, and Biotechnology, with the understanding that together these subjects support the foundation of new technologies to advance human needs. Our faculty conduct innovative research on crops, snails, and microalgae, isolate novel and useful bioactive molecules, and make improvements in these molecules using recombinant technology and biochemical methods. We also work for developing disease resistance in Hawaii’s agriculturally important plants like papaya and forestry trees - Acacia koa and giant leucaena. Our biological engineering faculty creatively manipulate biomolecules and biological systems for addressing the next challenges in Hawaii.

MBBE Graduate program represents one of the most successful intercollege, interdisciplinary graduate programs at UH. Since 2000, MBBE has collaborated with JABSOM, CRCH, College of Natural Sciences, HNEI, Sea Grant program, Hawaii Agriculture Research Center and other CTAHR departments like HNFAS, TPSS and PEPS for training our next generation of researchers and educators with PhD and MS degrees. The goal of the program is to prepare a well-trained workforce for Hawaii. The program awarded 110 PhD and 151 MS degrees from 2004 to present. Our graduates have been publishing in high-impact journals and are getting employed in both academia and industry. Some of our past graduates have reached leadership positions in academia and industries. The program has currently 70 students, 40 of them are PhD students and 30 are MS students.

Biological Engineering (BE) UG Program prepares students to work in various agricultural and environmental engineering industries in Hawaii. Sixty-five students have graduated from the program since 2009. A few of these graduates joined MS and PhD degree programs and the rest got suitable employment opportunities in several companies in Hawaii.

Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology (MBB) UG program is the training hub for Biotechnology at UH Manoa. The MBB UG program was started in the year 2013 and is unique because all students gain two semesters of research experience in a laboratory. Graduates of the program enter the growing biotechnology industry or are accepted to various national graduate programs, as well as JABSOM’s MD program and MBBE’s MS and PhD programs..

Explore these department web pages and begin your journey to new educational experiences, career options and conducting cutting-edge scientific research in Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering.

Mission, Goals, Values, and Vision

Degree Programs

The MBBE department offers educational opportunities within the following degree programs:

Department of Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering
1955 East West Rd.
Agricultural Sciences 218
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 956-8384
Fax: (808) 956-3542

Department Chair
Dr. Pratibha Nerurkar
Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering

 Ryan Kurasaki
 Biological Engineering

 Dr. David Christopher
 Molecular Biosci & Biotech

 College Advisors


If you require information in an alternative format, please contact us at:

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The University of Hawai‘i is an equal opportunity institution.