
CTAHR Response Fact Sheets

Tropical Cyclone Emergency Management for Farmers  - Tropical cyclones can bring heavy rains and strong winds that can cause catastrophic damage to crop fields, structures, and equipment.

Flood Preparedness (FEMA flyer)

Flood Preparedness (Red Cross website)

Prepare for a Flood (Centers for Disease Control website)

Emergency Diaster Education Network (USDA NIFA, NOAA Sea Grant)

Preparing Youth & Volunteers (to plan for and respond to disasters)


Farm Service Agency Programs

Report farm and ranch land damages (including lava flow) to:

USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) at:
808-933-8381 ext. 2
154 Waianuenue Avenue, Rm 122
Hilo, Hawaii   96720

FSA programs that help eligible farmers and ranchers recover from natural disasters include:

Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
Financial assistance for low yields or crop losses due to natural disaster. (Must already be in the program.)

Emergency Conservation Program (ECP)
Emergency funding and technical assistance to rehabilitate farmland damaged by natural disaster.

Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP)
Assistance for livestock deaths in excess of normal mortality due to natural disaster.

Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm Raised Fish Program (ELAP)
Assistance for loss of livestock, honeybees and farm-raised fish due to natural disaster. (Covers losses not covered under other disaster assistance programs.)

Tree Assistance Program (TAP)
Financial assistance for eligible orchardists and nursery tree growers to replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes and vines lost due to natural disaster.

Emergency Loan Program
Emergency loans to help eligible producers recover from production and physical losses due to natural disasters. Also inquire about micro loans and operating loans.

Call 933-8381 ext. 2 for more information

Additional Resources

Hawai‘i Emergency Mangement Agency — current advisories and related information

Food Assistance for Diaster Relief (USDA)

Kauai Flood Diaster Information (Hawaii DOA)

Ongoing Water Quality Advisories (DOH Clean Water Branch)


Hurricanes - Forecasts and Preparedness

  • Current Conditions
  • Preparedness Information
  • Generator Safety

Forecasts, Watches and Warnings

CTAHR Response Fact Sheets

Tropical Cyclone Emergency Management for Farmers  - Tropical cyclones can bring heavy rains and strong winds that can cause catastrophic damage to crop fields, structures, and equipment.

Preparedness information:

For Manoa campus and other off-campus research facilities

  • The time to check back-up systems and generators is now (power failure is a concern when wind gusts are over 35 mph)
  • Make arrangements for generators to continue operations which cannot be interrupted
    Identify sources/obtain dry ice or ice for refrigerators/freezers; transportation of items to another location
  • Identify possible relocation sites
  • Gather supplies to last for at least 2 weeks or more
  • See guidelines on laboratories with chemicals:
  • For research animal care, run through your IACUC protocols in preparation
  • Electronic devices, to avoid damages from power surges:
    Power down the devices such as UPS equipment, network devices (routers, switches, etc), computers, printers, fax machines, battery chargers, coffee makers, microwave ovens, refrigerators( defrost, wipe down), clocks, radios, TV, window air conditioning units.
    Isolate the devices from the power grid by disconnecting their power cords from the power outlets
  • Move equipment from windows if possible, else securely fasten water repellant covers
  • State cars should be moved to interior parking strutures between floors 2 and 4 whenever possible

The information presented below was provided by the National Fire Protection Association:

  • Generators should be used in well ventilated locations outside at least 5 feet away from all doors, windows, and vent openings.  Measure the 5 foot distance from the generator exhaust system to the building.
  • Never use a generator in an attached garage, even with the door open.
  • Place generators so that exhaust fumes can't enter the home through windows, doors or other openings in the building.  The exhaust must be directed away from the building.
  • Make sure to install carbon monoxide alarms* in your home.  Follow manufacturer's instructions for correct placement and mounting height.

    *FACT:  A person can be poisoned by a small amount of CO over a longer period of time or by a large amount of CO over a shorter amount of time.
  • Turn off generators and let them cool down before refueling.  Never refuel a generator while it is hot.
  • Store fuel for the generator in a container that is intended for the purpose and is correctly labeled as such.  Store the containers outside of living areas.

When plugging in appliances, make sure they a plugged directly into the generator or a heavy duty outdoor-rated extension cord.....

If you must connect the generator to the house wiring to power applicances, have a qualified electrician install a properly rated transfer switch in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all applicable state and local electrical codes.