
Flood Preparedness (FEMA flyer)

Flood Preparedness (Red Cross website)

Prepare for a Flood (Centers for Disease Control website)

Emergency Diaster Education Network (USDA NIFA, NOAA Sea Grant)

Preparing Youth & Volunteers (to plan for and respond to disasters)


Farm Service Agency Programs

Report farm and ranch land damages (including lava flow) to:

USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) at:
808-933-8381 ext. 2
154 Waianuenue Avenue, Rm 122
Hilo, Hawaii   96720

FSA programs that help eligible farmers and ranchers recover from natural disasters include:

Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
Financial assistance for low yields or crop losses due to natural disaster. (Must already be in the program.)

Emergency Conservation Program (ECP)
Emergency funding and technical assistance to rehabilitate farmland damaged by natural disaster.

Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP)
Assistance for livestock deaths in excess of normal mortality due to natural disaster.

Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm Raised Fish Program (ELAP)
Assistance for loss of livestock, honeybees and farm-raised fish due to natural disaster. (Covers losses not covered under other disaster assistance programs.)

Tree Assistance Program (TAP)
Financial assistance for eligible orchardists and nursery tree growers to replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes and vines lost due to natural disaster.

Emergency Loan Program
Emergency loans to help eligible producers recover from production and physical losses due to natural disasters. Also inquire about micro loans and operating loans.

Call 933-8381 ext. 2 for more information

Additional Resources

Hawai‘i Emergency Mangement Agency — current advisories and related information

Food Assistance for Diaster Relief (USDA)

Kauai Flood Diaster Information (Hawaii DOA)

Ongoing Water Quality Advisories (DOH Clean Water Branch)


Floods - Potential Problems & Solutions

Hanalei Valley

Hanalei Valley (2018)   Photo by Taylor Rex          

  • Recovery
  • Human Health
  • Plant Health
  • Livestock/Animal Health
  • Soil Testing

Brown Water Advisories (BWA):  During and after a Flood, the Department of Health issues on-going alerts as to the quality of the waters in streams, beaches and any flooded areas to alert residents, visitors and response personnel of possible bacteria and other pollutant hazards.  Sewage spills must be immediatedly reported by the responsible parties, warning signs posted, containment of spill done and water quality tested until water samples indicate safe levels.

Updated BWA reports can be found at the Clean Water Branch website   

Excerpts from Health Concerns after a Flood

Mold: After a Flood, those living in or involved in clean-up operations of moldy surroundings have experienced health problems ranging from minor reactions such as  congestion, irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, coughing, and development of rashes to severe asthma attacks, lung infections and long-term disease resembling pneumonia.

Besides mold, caution must be taken as bateria, viruses as well as pests and vermin are said to thrive in moist environments.

Do not disturb dried mold colonies as this will release large amount of spores and other mold debris into the air, creating a health hazard.

Killing the mold with chlorine bleach and other biocides will not make the surroundings safe, as they do not have any effect on the allergens, irritants and other mold materials. Cleanup must be done with proper protection for those doing the work.

Produce from flooded areas:  The FDA recommends that any produce in flooded areas not be consumed as they are susceptible to bacterial contamination which are impossible to remove.  See: Post Flood Vegetable Gardens can be risky

Information from "Plant Scientist":

Depending on the plant:  Plant growth can be affected by excessive moisture in the soil where oxygen levels are decreased and respiration is impeded in the plant roots which can suffocate and die with the buildup of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen gases.

Submerged leaves would affect the photosynthesis, inhibiting plant growth.

Plants stressed by excessive water are said to be prone to disease-causing organisms such as Fusarium spp, Phytophora spp. and Rhizoctonia solani affecting plant roots leading to diseases such as root and crown rot.

Excerpts from "Do YOU have a plan for your livestock should disaster strike?" (USDA)

Prepare -- Get a Livestock Evaluation Kit

  • Include feed, water, supplements, supplies (medications, rope/lariat, halters/leads, cleaning supplies, knives, etc.), and papers (veterinary records and proof of ownership).
  • Review your kit regularly  to ensure contents, especially feed and medicines, are fresh.

Plan -- What You will do in an emergency

  • Determine if you are able to evacuate (this should be based on the type of disaster and the safety and stability of the shelter).
  • Determine where you will go if you have to leave (identify friends or relatives who could house livestock during the disaster, including fairgrounds or other livestock evacuation locations).
  • Determine how you will evacuate (Decide how livestock will be transported/housed and prearrange an evacuation site)
  • Designate a neighbor to tend to your livestock (This person should be familiar with your livestock, know your evacuation procedures, know where your evacuation kit is kept, and have  your emergency contact information).
  • Make sure livestock has some form of identification (microchip, ear/leg tag, leg band, tattoo etc.).
  • Have adequate food and water.  Provide clean water, non-moldy food

It is a good idea to get the soil in which your crops have been planted tested for contaminants and bacteria. 

Follow these instructions to take soil samples for analysis

Contact your nearest Cooperative Extension Office if you have questions.