
Sharing Climate Knowledge & Supporting Our Communities

This website provides climate-related information to support Pacific Island Cooperative Extension programs seeking to integrate and communicate climate adaptation and mitigation strategies on Pacific Islands. The 'Extension Climate Forum' program also hosts knowledge exchange events designed for Extension faculty to identify relevant science and strategies that help our clients and communities better respond to a changing world.


The 'Extension Climate Forum' program is a partnership between the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management at the University of Hawaʻii at Mānoa, the USDA SW Climate Hub, and the Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative (PICCC). The program was developed as part of PICCC's Agroforestry Adapatation Initiative to increase the resilience of Pacific Island food systems.


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Presentation on Climate Vulnerability and Resilience in the Pacific Islands.

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Copra harvest on outer atoll, Nukuoro Atoll, F.S.M.

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Hawaiʻi Extension and Climate Change SWOT Analysis.

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Community unloads cement for shoreline improvement project, Sapwuahfik Atoll, F.S.M.

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Giant clam harvest, F.S.M.

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Palau agroforestry with taro and betelnut (photo: J.B. Friday)

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