4-H Agents (clockwise from left) Claire Nakatsuka (O‘ahu), Kate Everett (Maui), Joan Chong (Kona), Becky Settlage (Hilo), Laura Kawamura (Kaua‘i), Rose Saito (O‘ahu), Steve Nagano (O‘ahu) plant a Minnie Lee II hibiscus at the Urban Garden Center. View the official Extension flower, or read more about the original bloom and the song that celebrates it.
Cooperative Extension at UH
A partnership between the land-grant UH Manoa campus and federal, state, and local governments, Cooperative Extension delivers science-based extension services to urban and rural communities across Hawai‘i through 27 extension and research stations on Kaua‘i, O‘ahu, Maui, Moloka‘i and Hawai‘i Island.
Extension programs support Hawai‘i’s agriculture industry and the state's move toward greater food and fuel self-sufficiency and help protect natural resources. They address the human environment as well—supporting youth development, strengthening families, promoting healthful living, building community leadership, and nurturing food and fiber business development. On an average day, nearly 300 people receive direct help from CTAHR’s 65 FTE extension agents and specialists and other faculty, and support staff. (Summary of 2013 activities at right.)
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