Tuesday, July 16, 2024
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Hawaii System
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
Cooperative Extension in Hawaii centennial logo

Cooperative Extension celebrated its national centennial in 2014.

Extension Events
March 14 Second Saturday at the Urban Garden Center with workshop on Anthuriums for the Home Garden.

April 11 Second Saturday at the Urban Garden Center with a rain barrel demonstration.

May 9 Second Saturday at the Urban Garden Center with workshop on Grafting Fruit Trees.

June 13 Second Saturday at the Urban Garden Center with workshop on Lawns for the Home Garden.

July 11 Second Saturday at the Urban Garden Center with workshop on Fruit Fly Supression for the Home Garden.

More CTAHR events

Unequaled in Outreach

The world's largest non-traditional education system, the Cooperative Extension Service delivers science-based information to farmers and ranchers and  supports families and communities both rural and urban. In Hawai‘i, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Extension agents and specialists and other faculty and staff directly touch the lives of 75 people a day at 27 extension and research stations across the state.

Hawai‘i Beef Initiative Proves a Success

Michael DuPonteheadshotWhere's the beef? Feeding on grass in Hawai‘i, thanks to an interdisciplinary initiative that showed ranchers how to profitably produce locally-grown meat for local markets and local tastes.
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Andrea Kawabata Battles the Coffee Berry Borer

Andrea Kawabata headshotCTAHR Assistant Extension Agent Andrea Kawabata is the coffee farmer's champion in the battle against the coffee berry borer—an African beetle that threatens a $34 million signature Hawai‘i crop. Her secret? A method called Integrated Pest Management. Read more

More success stories


Did you know…

Gene flow between closely related species can occur in bioengineered or traditionally bred crops? Biotech in Focus explains the process… and precautionary procedures.

Featured Publication
Plants of Hawaii book cover

CTAHR alumnus Fortunato Teho was UH's first Filipino graduate and the voice of island gardening for decades. His popular Plants of Hawai‘i–How to Grow Them is back in print.

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Featured Video
people in dryland taro field

Visit CTAHR's taro field day in Waimanalo.

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CTAHR in Focus
CTAHR in Focus 2015 coverCTAHR in Focus cover collage

Stories of people, place, promise

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