News and Events

«March 2025»

Land and Sea

Land and Sea 22 August 2018

Land and Sea

Co-PIs Andre Seale and Rajesh Jha (both HNFAS), in collaboration with Darren Lerner and Darren Okimoto of the UH Sea Grant College Program, recently received a 3-year NOAA Sea Grant 2018 Aquaculture Initiative award of $749,815. 

Livestock and Collaboration in China

Livestock and Collaboration in China 22 August 2018

Livestock and Collaboration in China

Rajesh Jha (HNFAS) recently returned from China after teaching the summer intensive course “Livestock Ecology” to the students of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in Xianyang. He has been serving as a visiting professor at the university for last three years. 

Pesticide Risk Reduction Education Short Course: October on Oahu

20 August 2018

Pesticide Risk Reduction Education Short Course: October on Oahu

This in-depth two-day short course is about handling pesticides, including herbicides, in ways that will reduce risks to people and our environment. It would benefit people who want to be better informed about handling pesticides properly or prepare for the Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s examination for restricted use pesticide certification. (Certified applicators will not earn re-certification credits by attending this course.) (The course does not include the exam for restricted use pesticide certification.)

Food Safety in Aquaponics

Food Safety in Aquaponics 15 August 2018

Food Safety in Aquaponics

There will be a free online webinar on “Challenges and Opportunities for Implementing Food Safety Programs in Commercial Aquaponic Production of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables” on Friday, August 24, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. via Zoom, featuring present and former faculty and staff from the college.

On the Wings of Song

On the Wings of Song 15 August 2018

On the Wings of Song

The Hawaii Symphony Orchestra will again be performing the successful multimedia collaboration Symphony of the Hawaiian Birds, spearheaded by Melissa Price (NREM), on October 31 and November 1 for students in grades 4 through 12. If you know any teachers who might like to bring their classes to a performance, make sure to let them know!

From Indonesia, With Love

From Indonesia, With Love 15 August 2018

From Indonesia, With Love

Samir Khanal (MBBE) recently returned from Indonesia, where he was invited to deliver a summer course and special lectures at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta. He also participated in discussions with university representatives about research collaborations and student exchange possibilities.

New Faces: Robert Cating

New Faces: Robert Cating 15 August 2018

New Faces: Robert Cating

New Extension agent Robert Cating is stationed in Hilo, attached to Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences and focused on floriculture, nursery and related industries statewide.

Pigs on the Big Island

Pigs on the Big Island 15 August 2018

Pigs on the Big Island

Over 40 participants attended Swine AI School, put on by Extension agent Mike DuPonte, specialist Halina Zaleski (HNFAS), and MS student Brittany Castle in Hilo, and a swine time was had by all!

The Busy Bee House

The Busy Bee House 9 August 2018

The Busy Bee House

The new Bee House at Maui County Cooperative Extension’s  Research and Education Demonstration Center provides an observational hive to augment youth and community educational projects on beekeeping and the importance of bees to Island agriculture.

A Mixed Bag of Ag

A Mixed Bag of Ag 9 August 2018

A Mixed Bag of Ag

CTAHR agents and researchers, along with other agricultural professionals, partnered to host a well-attended and well-received conference on August 1 at Leeward Community College.

Extension Bounty

Extension Bounty 9 August 2018

Extension Bounty

Cooperative Extension helps everyone, but sometimes they need some help themselves! Now they’ll be getting it: with the support of the State Legislature, HDOA, Hawaii Farm Bureau, Hawaii Farmers Union United, and many external partners and stakeholders, CTAHR is able to offer 10 new positions in four counties for immediate hire!

4-H Has Fun With Bugs

4-H Has Fun With Bugs 1 August 2018

4-H Has Fun With Bugs

State 4-H leader Jeff Goodwin has produced a short video to highlight the work of the 4-H program “Connect Kids to the Nature,” funded by a grant from the Disney Conservation Fund. It includes fun activities like learning about entomology, insect pheromones, and butterfly gardens at the O‘ahu Urban Garden Center.

What to Do About the Vog

What to Do About the Vog 1 August 2018

What to Do About the Vog

An Extension bulletin by Scot Nelson (TPSS) and Associate Dean of Extension Kelvin Sewake, “Volcanic Emissions Injury to Plant Foliage,” was quoted and recommended in a recent Big Island Now article. The bulletin is all too relevant to those living in areas of the Big Island affected by the opening of the new vents on Kīlauea Volcano.

Fishing for Knowledge..and Fertilizer

Fishing for Knowledge..and Fertilizer 25 July 2018

Fishing for Knowledge..and Fertilizer

This past weekend, associate Extension agent Andrea Kawabata dove in a spearfishing event to gather roi, ta‘ape, and to‘au for research into fish disease, age, and reproductive status, as well as the impact of these species on the reef. Over 210 pounds of fish was then donated to Big Island farmers for compost and compost-tea fertilizers. 

Extension Excellence

Extension Excellence 25 July 2018

Extension Excellence

The college’s Extension agents recently got some well-deserved props in a laudatory article in Hawai‘i Magazine. The article focuses on Andrea Kawabata, Glen Fukumoto, and Jari Sugano, painting a picture of skilled, dedicated, and enthusiastic Extension workers making a huge difference in Island agriculture—one farm visit, variety trial, or workshop at a time.


Project Is No Lemon

Project Is No Lemon 25 July 2018

Project Is No Lemon

CTAHR faculty and Master Gardeners helped Jefferson Elementary students with Project Lemon Tree, which established CO2-reducing trees, an arbor, and student gardens on a campus site vandalized in 2016.

Making Life Better in Maui County

Making Life Better in Maui County 19 July 2018

Making Life Better in Maui County

Congratulations to all CTAHR faculty who were successful in the recent Maui County FY19 grant competition! The projects funded included education in reproductive technologies, establishing a trial garden for ornamentals, investigating dispensing pesticides from drones, continuing breadfruit research, and more.

For the Bees

For the Bees 19 July 2018

For the Bees

Scott Nikaido and Ethel Villalobos (both PEPS) were featured in a Ka Leo article on the class on beekeeping that they teach, Beekeeping in the Tropics: Introduction to Honeybee Health and Management. It is offered through the UH Manoa Outreach College, though Scott hopes to offer classes for credit at UH in the future.

Celebrate Celery

Celebrate Celery 12 July 2018

Celebrate Celery

Joshua Silva and the rest of O‘ahu Cooperative Extension will be holding a Celery Variety Trial Field Day on July 26, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Poamoho Research Station. Participants will be able to observe nine commercially available celery varieties and discuss production practices.

Grow With Them!

Grow With Them! 12 July 2018

Grow With Them!

All growers are invited to a day-long educational workshop: “CTAHR Ground Support: Research-Based Support for O‘ahu’s Fast-Paced Edible Crop Industry,” to learn about current agricultural research, practices, and information from CTAHR faculty and other agricultural partners on Wednesday, August 1, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
12 May 2023

Fast Forward

Youths aren’t forgotten in Urban Garden Center’s many interactions with the public

Fast Forward

Future Farmers in Hawaiʻi

As more than 250 students from 24 high schools across the state gathered to participate in this year’s Future Farmers of America convention on Oʻahu, the Urban Garden Center proved a key resource in the event.

The youths visited UGC and took part in fast-paced educational activities around the facility. With their teachers, the students got their hands dirty restarting a static hydroponic system, harvesting locally grown fruits and veggies in raised beds, and transplanting succulents.

The potential agriculturists also had the opportunity to hear Christine Hanakawa of the Dept. of Family and Consumer Sciences, Bea Aragon-Balgas of Oʻahu County Extension, and Tina Lau and Alberto Ricordi of the Dept. of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences speak about their respective career pathways that lead them into the field of agriculture.

Students then were also able to see some of CTAHR’s active applied field trials, in the greenhouse and in the field, such as sunflowers grown for seed oil. Of course, all students were encouraged to join CTAHR after graduation.

Read the full Hawaiʻi Public Radio article.



Jari extended a heartfelt gratitude to the carpentry students of Honolulu Community College for devoting their time and resources to building eight raised beds at the Urban Garden Center’s new Native Hawaiian Learning Center.

“Your contributions will serve generations to come,” she wrote to HCC’s dean. “The raised beds will be used to grow food crops and Lāʻau lapaʻau, native Hawaiian medicine in partnership with the UH John A. Burns School of Medicine’s Native Hawaiian Center of Excellence.”

Jari added that years ago, HCC students helped build a gazebo at UGC, and it was great seeing them back at UGC. “We had a great time interacting and learning about how HCC’s carpentry program feeds into the Carpentry Apprentice Program. We look forward to future collaborations with HCC that benefit our local communities.”