News and Events

«March 2025»

Masters on Maui

Masters on Maui 7 December 2018

Masters on Maui

A laudatory article in the Maui News spotlights Extension agent Cynthia Nazario-Leary (TPSS). Cynthia is also a CTAHR alumna, with a master’s degree in horticulture and a doctorate in Natural Resources and Environmental Management. Now, as an agent in urban horticulture, she is trialing sunflower varieties, overseeing the Bee House, and coordinating the Maui Master Gardeners.

New Study on Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death

New Study on Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death 5 December 2018

New Study on Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death

The first study to implicate ambrosia beetles in Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death (ROD) has been published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) at the University of Hawai‘i.

Banish the Curl

Banish the Curl 23 November 2018

Banish the Curl

Feeling yellow? You may want to check out the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Field Screening Pop-In Field Day. The college has been screening new varieties of tomatoes for possible resistance to the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus, and a field day of resistant varieties will be held on Saturday, November 24, at the Waimanalo Research Station to go over field screenings that have been conducted in 2018 in the certified organic and GoFarm field plots. 

Stopping ROD on Eco-Tours

Stopping ROD on Eco-Tours 23 November 2018

Stopping ROD on Eco-Tours

The Cooperative Extension forestry team is teaming up with the island Invasive Species Committees, Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry & Wildlife, Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, and Hawai‘i Ecotourism Association to offer a series of free workshops for eco-tour operators on how to avoid spreading the pathogen that causes Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death and other invasive species. 

Interviews in Ag Economics

Interviews in Ag Economics 23 November 2018

Interviews in Ag Economics

All are invited to attend the interview presentations of the candidates for junior/assistant Extension agent for agricultural economics on Friday, November 30; Tuesday, December 4; and Wednesday, December 5. Each candidate will speak on the topic of “Developing an Extension Program in Agricultural Economics for Hawai‘i.” 

Interviews in Livestock Extension

Interviews in Livestock Extension 23 November 2018

Interviews in Livestock Extension

All are invited to attend the interview presentations of the candidates for junior/assistant Extension agent for livestock on Hawai‘i Island on Monday, December 10, and Wednesday, December 12. Each candidate will speak on the topic of “Developing a Livestock Extension Program in Hawai‘i County.” 

Fence Them Out

Fence Them Out 23 November 2018

Fence Them Out

Troubled by wild beasts? Growers who are have requested assistance in managing the wild animals that enter farm areas and destroy edible crops. In response, Cooperative Extension will be holding a Wild Animal Deterrent: Electric Fence Field Day on December 8 at the Waimanalo Research Station to show how wild animals can be excluded from production areas using an electric fencing system. 

Master It!

Master It! 16 November 2018

Master It!

Want to be a Master Gardener volunteer or know someone who does? The East Hawai‘i Master Gardeners are now accepting applications for the 2019 Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program. The course begins January 23 and runs through April, from 9 a.m. to noon every Wednesday morning at the Komohana Research Center.

Past, Present, and Future of Extension

Past, Present, and Future of Extension 16 November 2018

Past, Present, and Future of Extension

CTAHR celebrated 90 years of Cooperative Extension and 100 years of 4-H in Hawai'i on November 7. Attendees included current Extension faculty and staff, retirees, and stakeholders. US and local lawmakers, Dean Nicholas Comerford, interim associate dean for Extension Kelvin Sewake, and state 4-H  leader Jeff Goodwin spoke on the past, present, and future of Extension and 4-H in Hawai’i.

Success and Advancement

Success and Advancement 7 November 2018

Success and Advancement

CTAHR was triumphantly represented at RCUH’s 2018 Awards Luncheon, with both first- and second-place awardees. COF’s Annalynn Macabantad and Dana Senaha took second place in the Team category, and GoFarm director Janel Yamamoto won first prize in the Researcher/Project Manager/Professional category!

Papayas and Hope

Papayas and Hope 2 November 2018

Papayas and Hope

Extension in Hawai‘i County was able to qualify for a grant to hire two agricultural technicians from among the many workers displaced by the recent eruptions. The new ag techs will work at Waiakea Station planting and cross-pollinating papaya plants to obtain seeds for commercial growers to start rebuilding the decimated papaya industry on that island.

A Flowering of Support!

A Flowering of Support! 25 October 2018

A Flowering of Support!

The Hawaii Floriculture and Nursery Association (HFNA) presented CTAHR’s Waiakea Research Station with a $7,500 donation to support research benefiting the floriculture and nursery industries, such as development of new cultivars and control of pests and diseases. Mahalo to HFNA for their support of CTAHR research!


Scrumptious! 25 October 2018


Although 4-H isn’t just about “cows and cooking,” as popular perception often has it, these are iconic activities for a reason! And while East Hawai‘i 4-H has cattle covered, there hasn’t been as much cooking going on in this chapter. So over the recent Fall break, organizers decided to hold a 4-H Cooking 101 Day Camp, and participants were glad they did!

He's Pro-Protea

He's Pro-Protea 25 October 2018

He's Pro-Protea

In a column in the Hawaii Tribune-Herald, former Extension agent Norm Bezona highlights protea flowers: “Of all the many floral choices available in the marketplace, none can beat the bizarre yet entrancing beauty of the Protea.” He praises former CTAHR horticulturist Philip Parvin, director of the Maui Experiment Station, who was responsible for expanding protea culture in the Islands.

More Support

More Support 25 October 2018

More Support

Dean Comerford was interviewed for an article in the Maui News about Rep. Lynn DeCoite’s call for more state support for farmers. Dean Comerford, who has spoken with Rep. DeCoite, praises her ideas and explains that with the ten new Extension agent positions that have been funded by the Legislature, the college will be able to provide more outreach, particularly in ag economics and financing.

Getting to the Root of Things

Getting to the Root of Things 25 October 2018

Getting to the Root of Things

Some local 5- and 6-year-olds on Fall break spent the week off school at the Komohana Research & Extension Center helping to pilot a new 4-H Junior Master Gardener Early Childhood Development curriculum offered through East Hawai‘i 4-H. The week-long day camp was centered around the theme of roots.

John M. Halloran

John M. Halloran 25 October 2018

John M. Halloran

We are saddened to report the death of former Extension economist and professor John M. Halloran at age 65 in Maine. John spent the first half of his career at UH, advising farmers on marketing in areas from cut flowers to coffee, bananas and papayas to livestock, forests to fisheries. He was instrumental in Hawai‘i’s early farm-to-table movement.

Celebrate Extension!

Celebrate Extension! 18 October 2018

Celebrate Extension!

If you haven’t yet registered for the celebration marking two important events in Cooperative Extension in Hawai‘i, now’s the time to do it—the deadline is October 26! There will be a celebration luncheon in honor of these historic milestones, and the CTAHR ‘ohana is invited to participate in commemorating Hawai’i’s past while looking toward the future!

Counting What We’ve Lost

Counting What We’ve Lost 18 October 2018

Counting What We’ve Lost

Ag economist Matthew Loke (NREM) conducted a Survey on Farm Disasters caused by Kilauea’s recent eruptions. Results indicated a $27.9 million loss by 46 affected farmers and a displacement of 1,337 acres of arable land. The survey results will be used to seek federal, state, and county government assistance for  affected farmers.

Connecting Kids to Food

Connecting Kids to Food 18 October 2018

Connecting Kids to Food

In a column in the Star-Advertiser, junior Extension agent Emilie Kirk details how the “Farm-to-School Program Connects Kids to Food.” October is national Farm to School month, and it’s a great initiative. If you’re a parent, teacher, or school administrator, or know someone who is, you’ll find something of interest in this helpful article, so take a look!

11 October 2023

Invasive Pests

CTAHR conference brings together like-minded collaborators

Invasive Pests

By Roshan Manandhar

With our beloved island home beset by invasive pests of all shapes and sizes, what is the best way to pool our collective knowledge and resources so we can effectively combat these challenges?

A two-day conference on invasive pests is a good start. Held August 9 -10 at the Blaisdell Center in Honolulu, the 2023 Invasive Pest Conference featured 27 talks on a diversity of invasive pests ranging from weeds to agricultural and landscape pests, as well as climate change and biological control – all presented by CTAHR researchers, Extension faculty, and experts from other partner agencies. 

It was great having keynote speaker Phillip Andreozzi, USDA Invasive Species Coordinator. Phillip shared his experience and insights of invasive species as well as collaboration opportunities throughout the Pacific Basin.  

Many talks focused on policies, implementation, achievements, and future directions of invasive species management. The first covered the Hawaiʻi Interagency Biosecurity Plan (2017-2027), in which 39% of action plans (147) being “completed” or “ongoing in perpetuity,” with appropriate steps to move actions forward. This was followed by an overview of the Hawaiʻi-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment, an introduction to the Prevention Priority and Limited Distribution, and details on a statewide project to engage haumana (students) in grades K-12 in legislative efforts that support native species conservation in Hawaiʻi. 

Next, presentations highlighted the impacts of climate change on invasive species: Hawaiʻi’s native forest birds experiencing drastic declines due to climate change leading to greater densities of its primary avian malaria vector; and the Pacific Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change Management Network. 

A session on snails – species diversity and surveys of invasive terrestrial (including freshwater) species -- along with a review of known pests from poorly studied groups (non-insect, invertebrates) that have become established in the islands. Another speaker addressed a yellow crazy ants control program to conserve natural habitats on Johnston Atoll. Other talks included vertebrate invasive pests: ungulate species across the Hawaiian Islands, and a new self-resetting trap, AT-220, for controlling small vertebrates (rats, mongoose, etc.) in our ecosystem.

Sessions on the coconut rhinoceros beetle and coffee pests were the next attraction: CRB response, the Master Gardeners Program effort to involve the public in CRB prevention, and recent tools such as the Rhino Cam and aerial application of insecticide. Improved IPM of the coffee berry borermay depend on the introduction of a parasitoid Phymastichus coffea. Three presentations on coffee leaf rust covered the past two years: infestation, research at Kona Research and Extension Center, and management with fungicides.

Topics in the final session included fighting Rapid Ōhiʻa Death, the statewide diamondback moth program that uses insecticide rotation to mitigate crop loss, ineffective organic herbicides for controlling Devil weed, a biological control agent that controls fireweed and spreads naturally to Cape ivy, factors in  environmentally safe biological controls, and finally, communication and networking through mini-conferences to reach the many stakeholders in Hawaiʻi and beyond.

The conference was well attended, with more than 70 participants, mostly from CTAHR, State and Federal Agencies, Invasive Species Committees, Industries and Botanical gardens, non-profit organizations, etc. Apart from learning a ton, participants had a good environment to communicate and share knowledge on invasive pest concerns. This conference included the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council, Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species, and Oʻahu Invasive Species Committee.