Giant Success 28 September 2017

Giant Success

East Hawai‘i 4-H had a huge presence at the Hawai‘i County Fair—both as volunteers and producers. In fact, they set four state records for produce—including a 20+ pound kalo and 137+ and 2+ pound tomato.

Fall (More Than) Fair 28 September 2017

Fall (More Than) Fair

For CTAHR, fall semester isn't officially underway until the welcome back event with its ice cream eating contest and other festivities. About 200 students, faculty, and staff turned out for the 27th annual event.

Wildfire Expert 28 September 2017

Wildfire Expert

Natural Resources and Environmental Management Assistant Specialist Clay Trauernicht was tabbed (again!) by local media to comment on a wildfire burning in Hawai‘i. He is the college’s resident expert on grass and forest fires.

Samoa Swine Survey 20 September 2017

Samoa Swine Survey

CTAHR Specialist Halina Zaleski assists in American Samoa’s first swine disease survey in two decades.

Student Travels 13 September 2017

Student Travels

CTAHR student traveled east and west recently to present their work—on sweet potato prebiotics  in Okinawa and and nematode control in Virginia.


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