Screened In 10 May 2018

Screened In

A Protected Culture Field Day will be held at the Waimanalo Research Station on Wednesday, May 30, from 10:00 a.m. to noon, where Extension agent Jari Sugano and associate professor Koon Hui Wang (PEPS) will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of screen and high-tunnel systems.
Keeping It 10 May 2018

Keeping It

Want to get beyond the refrigerator? Look into the Master Food Preserver Certificate Program, which will be offered through UH Hilo’s College of Continuing Education and Community Service (CCECS) at the Palamanui campus in June.
Botanical Great 10 May 2018

Botanical Great

CTAHR alumnus and environmental leader Charles “Chipper” Wichman, president of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, received the Garden Club of America’s 2018 Medal of Honor.

The Best of CTAHR 10 May 2018

The Best of CTAHR

CTAHR logged another successful and enjoyable Awards Banquet last Friday, when almost 350 guests and award-winners gathered at the Ala Moana Hotel for food, fun, and the chance to cheer students, faculty, and staff who have distinguished themselves in the past year.
A Flood of Help 10 May 2018

A Flood of Help

Emilie Kirk and Russell Messing represented CTAHR and the Kaua‘i Extension team, helping to provide information when hundreds of rural families and farmers showed up seeking answers and assistance at a flood-recovery community meeting on May 3 in Hanalei town.

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