30 May 2018

What’s in Your Soil and Water?

What’s in Your Soil and Water?
The Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center (ADSC) is offering assistance to producers affected by current volcanic eruptions in Puna, Volcano, Pahala, and Oceanview areas. The farmers are allowed to submit free samples of water for testing of pH (W1) and heavy metals (W4) and soil for testing of pH (S1) and heavy metals (S7). Especial concerns are acidity and lead (Pb) in catchment water, and heavy metals in soil. O'ahu growers were also invited to send samples to ADSC after the flooding in April. The ADSC was proposed and created by the Hawai‘i State Legislature (House Resolution 679) in 1975 with the intent to increase the effectiveness and responsiveness of agricultural programs within CTAHR. The resolution aimed to complement the existing Extension and research activities by combining analytical, diagnostic, and advisory services such that new research information could be disseminated back to the sender as fast as it was discovered. And it’s definitely living up to its mandate!

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