John M. Halloran 25 October 2018

John M. Halloran

We are saddened to report the death of former Extension economist and professor John M. Halloran at age 65 in Maine. John spent the first half of his career at UH, advising farmers on marketing in areas from cut flowers to coffee, bananas and papayas to livestock, forests to fisheries. He was instrumental in Hawai‘i’s early farm-to-table movement.

Sweet and Green 18 October 2018

Sweet and Green

For the next installment in the TPSS seminar series, Noa Lincoln will present a seminar titled “Nitrogen Fixation in Sugarcane: Life After Death.” All are invited to hear this presentation, which will take place on Friday, October 19, at 1:30 p.m. in St. John 106. It can also be accessed via Zoom.

A Watershed Moment 18 October 2018

A Watershed Moment

The next NREM seminar, on Wednesday, October 24, will feature Dr. Leah Bremer, an assistant specialist at the UH Economic Research Organization and Water Resources Research Center (UHERO). It will be held from 3:30 to 4:20 p.m. in St. John 011. Dr. Bremer will discuss the impacts of water funds and payment for ecosystem services programs in the Andes and watersheds of Hawai‘i and how their implementation can create more durable and equitable outcomes. Her research focuses on stakeholder-driven interdisciplinary research and the multiple benefits of watershed conservation and management.

Where Can You Grow Them? 18 October 2018

Where Can You Grow Them?

Grad student Hunter Heaivilin (NREM) will be the next presenter at the weekly Seminar Series on Climate Change Adaptation presented by UH Manoa’s Institute for Sustainability and Resilience. He will speak on “Assessment of Climate Change Impact to Hawaii Crops” on October 22, from 12 to 1:20 p.m. (lunch starts at noon, the presentation at 12:15) at the iLab (Building 37).

Taking Care of the Folks 18 October 2018

Taking Care of the Folks

The Center on the Family will hold their second brown bag seminar on Friday, October 26, in Miller 101, from 12 to 1 p.m. Jenjira Yahirun will discuss “Offspring Resources and Parents’ Health Across the Life Course,” exploring how families act as conduits for the transmission of health status. Jenira studies the intersection of families, health, migration, and aging .


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