Rate Your Community 27 February 2020

Rate Your Community

Influential community assessment is published by Center on the Family

CTAHR’s Center on the Family has released its most recent Community Profile Series, which examines the well-being of communities throughout the state. The latest series, an expansion of work conducted in 2018, presents measures of quality of life and community well-being for 42 communities throughout the state, as well as state and county-level data.

Fish and the Water They Live In 12 December 2019

Fish and the Water They Live In

Two new studies show how environmental factors affect tilapia

Andre Seale (Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences) and collaborators have published two new studies on aquacultured tilapia, a common and adaptable farmed fish in the Islands. Both discuss the ways the fish are affected by the water they are raised in and other environmental conditions, including salinity, light and darkness, and chemicals.

No “Clouded” Judgments From Geostationary Satellite 12 December 2019

No “Clouded” Judgments From Geostationary Satellite

Researchers explain how a new meteorological satellite can be an option to monitor land surfaces and climate change

Environmental scientists are always in search of new tools that can better characterize the Earth’s surface. Tomoaki Miura, in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management,is lead authorof a new study published in Scientific Reportsthat shows that Himawari-8, a new-generation geostationary satellite, was able to acquire cloud-free observations every 4 days and capture the seasonal changes of vegetation more accurately than before. 

Space…the Final (Reproductive) Frontier 5 November 2019

Space…the Final (Reproductive) Frontier

Multiple problems with reproduction can affect astronauts, HNFAS researcher shows

Birendra Mishra (HNFAS) co-authored a groundbreaking study, “Reproductive Hazards of Space Travel in Women and Men,” supported by NASA and published in the prestigious journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology. Extended travel in deep space poses potential hazards to the reproductive function of female and male astronauts, such as exposure to cosmic radiation, microgravity, increased gravity (hypergravity), psychological stress, physical stress, and circadian rhythm disruptions.

Squirm 28 October 2019


TPSS and NREM show how studying earthworms can affect conservation

Noa Lincoln, of CTAHR’s Department of Tropical Plants and Soil Sciences, and Nathanial Wehr, of our Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, are co-authors of a new article published in the prestigious journal Science about the importance of earthworms in biosystems—and the necessity for studying these wriggly creatures so we can keep those biosystems healthy.


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