27 February 2020

Rate Your Community

Influential community assessment is published by Center on the Family

Rate Your Community

CTAHR’s Center on the Family has released its most recent Community Profile Series, which examines the well-being of communities throughout the state.

The latest series, an expansion of work conducted in 2018, presents measures of quality of life and community well-being for 42 communities throughout the state, as well as state and county-level data. Data from a variety of national and state sources on 38 indicators are organized into five key well-being domains: family and social environment, economic well-being, education, health, and community. The profiles present the relative conditions of each community in comparison to the state, and communities are also ranked into five tiers, with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest, based on overall well-being.

While O‘ahu has a number of communities in the top tier of overall well-being, the county offers a mixed bag, with communities on the Leeward coast and in urban Honolulu landing at the bottom. Communities in Maui and Kaua‘i counties tend to place in the mid-range tiers, while Hawai‘i Island has a number of communities in the lower tiers.

Having an informed understanding of a community helps in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs and services. The individual profiles can be used as a tool to assist anyone who is interested in using data to inform efforts that improve the well-being of these communities and their residents.

The authors invite the public to provide feedback on the series by responding to a short survey. Additionally, those who would like to host a data party or workshop to discuss their community’s data and how it can be used to inform their efforts can contact Hawai‘i KIDS COUNT project coordinator Kathleen Gauci at kt728@hawaii.edu.

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