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Give a Pint, Save a Life!
Kellie Taguchi
/ Categories: ASAO, Events

Give a Pint, Save a Life!

CTAHR holds a high reputation at the Blood Bank of Hawaii and we did not disappoint. This year’s drive on February 19, set a goal of scheduling 63 donors. Ambassadors toured and tabled at Miller Hall, Agricultural Science Building, and St John Laboratory to gather members of CTAHR, informing everyone that $1000 for instructional use was up for grabs. In the end, CTAHR filled all appointment slots and had additional donors waiting at the door. Last donors were turned away, as they had used every last blood bag. The final reports have yet to be received, but we’re confident and thankful that CTAHR is a life-saving organization, in more ways than one. Mahalo to the Student Ambassadors for coordinating this successful drive! (Quick Tip: CTAHR’s Life-Saver Code at the Blood Bank of Hawaii is 1875. You can designate your donations all year round to CTAHR.) 

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