2022 Hawaii Foodbank Food Drive: CTAHR comes out on TOP!
When the Hawaii Foodbank kicked off its annual State Employees food drive, CTAHR took on the goal of raising $3,000 in monetary donations and 7,500 pounds of food to surpass 2021’s totals of 7,413 lbs and $2,623.34. Although we did not reach our poundage goal, we still brought in a massive 1,403.4 lbs and made up for it by shattering the monetary goal by 134%, having raised $4,035.27 for the Hawaii Foodbank! As of May 5th, CTAHR has brought in the most monetary donations of all the departments in the UH system. 🥳
Money goes further with the Hawaii Foodbank, as just one dollar is able to provide 2 or more meals. This means our monetary donations will be going toward at least 8,070 meals! A massive accomplishment that could not have been done without the combined efforts of all of us here at the college and especially to those in the Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences as well as the Family and Consumer Sciences departments for bringing in the most food and monetary donations respectively.
Although the competition was high, we should all be proud of the contribution we have made to the total monetary donations raised by everyone in the UH system: $39,880.29!
Thank you to all who participated in making this year’s food drive so fun and so SUCCESSFUL! The generosity within the people of this college is something to be proud of and it is just one of the reasons why CTAHR is so amazing. Mahalo nui loa and see you next year!