2022 CTAHR Foodbank Drive Competition
The Hawaiʻi Foodbank has kicked off its Annual State Employees Food Drive and will be running through May 13, 2022. Last year, CTAHR collected $2,623.34 in monetary donations and 7,413 pounds of food! Our goal for 2022 is to collect $3,000 in monetary donations and 7,500 pounds of food!
To get our CTAHR Departments in the mood of giving, we have turned the Foodbank Drive into a CTAHR competition where all CTAHR departments (located on Oahu) will be splitting into 12 teams (see table below). At the end of the event, we will award two team winners 1) Highest Monetary Donations and 2) Highest Pounds of Food Donations. Winners will receive a CTAHR swag basket filled with yummy treats and Beer Lab Beer! If you already have monthly deductions set up with the Hawaii FoodBank, please let us know so that we can ask that the monetary donations get credited to CTAHR for March 14 to May 9, 2022). If you would like to donate online, please email us a screenshot of your donation so that we can credit your team.
Please take a moment to consider contributing to assisting those who are most in need. For more info, visit Hawaii Foodbank.
For more information, please contact Carol Oshiro at tranc@hawaii.edu.
Here is a quick timetable on what to expect and how our CTAHR Ohana can help.
TEAM # |
CTAHR Department(s) |
Office Location |
1 |
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences |
Miller Hall 110 |
2 |
Department of Human Nutrition, Food & Animal Sciences |
Agriculture Science 216 |
3 |
Department of Molecular Biosciences & BioEngineering |
Agriculture Science 218 |
4 |
Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Management
Agricultural Diagnostic Services Center
Sherman Laboratory 101 |
5 |
Department of Plant & Environmental Protection Sciences |
Gilmore Hall 310 |
6 |
Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences |
St. John 102 |
7 |
GoFarm Hawaii |
Gilmore Hall 115 |
8 |
Oahu County Office -
Honolulu, Pearl City, Wahiawa
Agricultural Science 217 |
9 |
Office of Academic & Student Affairs |
Gilmore Hall 119A |
10 |
Office of Administrative Services |
Filmore Hall 209 |
11 |
Office of Cooperative Extension - Oahu County |
Gilmore Hall 203B |
12 |
Office of the Dean
Office of Research
Office of Planning and Management Systems
Office of Communication Services
Gilmore Hall 202 |