Jenee Odani
4 Years with CTAHR
What was your best teaching moment?
"When I can tell that I'm connecting with a student, helping them to see that we (UH/CTAHR) cares about them and their success. When I can tell that a student internalizes the belief that they can master anything they are willing to work for."
Maile Sing
4 Years with CTAHR
What was your best teaching moment?
"So far, the most memorable moment I've had was during the Spring 2020 CTAHR graduation convocation. I was moved to not only watch students achieve their goal of graduating, but knowing they had overcome such a tumultuous and challenging semester."
Pratibha V. Nerurkar
18 Years with CTAHR
What was your best teaching moment?
"When students laugh loudly in class as they watch the biochemistry rap videos."