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Kellie Taguchi
/ Categories: ASAO

HNFAS, MBBE & ASAO Teaching Award Nominations

Congratulations to Jenee Odani (ANSC), Maile Sing (ASAO), and Pratibha V. Nerurkar (MBB) for being nominated for the teaching award!



Jenee Odani  

Jenee Odani

4 Years with CTAHR

What was your best teaching moment? 

"When I can tell that I'm connecting with a student, helping them to see that we (UH/CTAHR) cares about them and their success. When I can tell that a student internalizes the belief that they can master anything they are willing to work for."



Maile Sing

4 Years with CTAHR

What was your best teaching moment? 

"So far, the most memorable moment I've had was during the Spring 2020 CTAHR graduation convocation. I was moved to not only watch students achieve their goal of graduating, but knowing they had overcome such a tumultuous and challenging semester."
  Maile Sing




Pratibha Nerurkar  

Pratibha V. Nerurkar

18 Years with CTAHR

What was your best teaching moment? 

"When students laugh loudly in class as they watch the biochemistry rap videos."
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