Mahealani Kaneshiro
1 year with CTAHR
What was your best teaching moment?
"An outburst of applause and cheering when I entered my classroom dressed up as a witch for Halloween. I asked the TAs and students to dress up for the holiday. I appreciated their efforts and they appreciated the candy we bought for them. Win-win! :D"
Yinphan Tsang
6 years with CTAHR
What was your best teaching moment?
"The moment that students come back and say, Yinphan, what you taught was real, true, and so useful!"
Mehana Vaughan
8 years with CTAHR
What was your best teaching moment?
"Taking students to Kauaʻi for field course on social science methods for environmental research to document experiences of the April 2018 floods. The students documented stories of over 70 individuals with respect, compassion and excellence."