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Student Research Symposium
Kellie Taguchi
/ Categories: ASAO, Events

Student Research Symposium

The focus for this year's program is the communication of scientific and creative work. In the present climate of rampant misinformation and miscommunication, SRS was a platform for students to connect their work with a larger audience, emphasizing the importance of their topics and efforts. Moreover, with many other opportunities for students to present scientific research on campus, that didn't exist when SRS was first conceived, we wanted to offer a different experience that will be just as important to students when they enter the workforce. 

Students submitted articles and summaries that explained the importance of their work, alike to news articles, and were sorted into presentation categories that bridged programs. Check out the SRS 2019 Program. On April 15th, students gave their five-minute presentations and category winners were announced. Shortly thereafter, the Dean and Associate Deans selected the top undergraduate and graduate student winners

Awardees then presented at the CTAHR Banquet to an audience of donors, sponsors, students, and community members.

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