Volume 51 July | August | September 2023

  • 20 October 2023
  • Author: Eric Collier
  • Number of views: 1936

Providing science-based information to serve Hawaiʻi's Farming Community


The Food Provider

July| August | September 2023

Aloha Kākou


Welcome to the September 2023 issue of HānaiʻAi!


This issue features articles by University of Hawai'i researchers discussing topics such as Sustainable Pest and Soil Management for Sweet Potato, the evaluation of Bexar insecticide against the Avocado Lace Bug, the use of hydrogel bait as an ant and tanglefoot for citrus mold control, the use of organic and conventional pesticides against the Diamondback Moth, and netting the invasive Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle as an Integrated Pest Management practice, just to name a few.

Please take a moment to browse new CTAHR publications, and get caught up with what is happening in the world of organic management at our Organic Corner. 


Make sure to visit the "back pages" of the newsletter, which also feature Upcoming Workshops, Conferences, and Meetings.


You can always stay up to date with our weekly SOAP activities via Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, links are below.


As always, the mission of HānaiʻAi is to provide a venue for the dissemination of science-based information to serve all of Hawaiʻi's farming community in our quest for agricultural sustainability.


On-line version of newsletter as well as archived issues available at:  Hānai'Ai Archives


Click Here to View as Webpage

Feature Farmer:

Gabe Sachter-Smith

Hawai'I Banana Source

Wailua, O'ahu

Area Under Production: 30 acre parcel Waialua


Years in Production in Hawaiʻi: I started studying bananas 20 years ago and started growing them agriculturally 15 years ago, and I became a full-time farmer 6 or 7 years ago. This farm has been in banana production for only about 2 or 3 years.


Crops grown, animals raised, and other goods and services? We were growing vegetables. We had a value-added vertically integrated kimchi and kraut business primarily. So we were growing veggies, turning them into value-added fermented food products. But I always wanted to do bananas. My business partner wanted to do kimchi and kraut. And finally, we were able to figure it all out. And now we just grow bananas.


What is your pest management strategy? Mostly through rotation and roguing. For Bunchy Top Virus, one of our biggest issues pest-wise, we make sure to plant clean plants. If we see diseased plants, we take them out, and we're always vigilant about it. Things like corm weevils and nematodes, we always try to be vigilant about making sure we're planting plants that aren’t infested with them. That's a big key thing and not having plants remain in the field that are too old and getting infested. And then for different leaf diseases such as Sigatoka in the winter, we make sure that we do a lot of leaf pruning and have good airflow and good ventilation, which reduces the prevalence of that disease.


Hot Tips: If you want to start a farm, probably don't. Go get as much experience as you can working on other functional farms, as many places as you can, in as many diverse situations as you can, and learn all you can. And after a number of years of that, you either know that you want to farm, you just don't want to own a farm, or that you don't want to farm at all. You may say to yourself, I need more experience before I go out on my own. So it's really all about experience and I think that's the number one best thing you can do. 



Mahalo nui loa to Gabe Sachter-Smith, Hawai'i Banana Source

Read More
Interview with Gabe.
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Sustainable & Organic Research &

Outreach News

News from Hawaiʻi's Researchers and Extension Professionals

Sustainable Pest and Soil Health Management for Sweet Potato Production


Melanie Pitiki1, Benjamin Wiseman1, Landon Wong1, Brent Sipes1, Joshua Silva2, Jensen Uyeda2 , Roshan Mandhar1, and Koon-Hui Wang1

Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences1, Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences2, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa


Sweet potato production in Hawaiʻi is challenged by multiple arthropod and nematode pests. This project focused on exploring sustainable pest and soil health management strategies that can help organic sweet potato producers improve productivity. Potential of bioinsecticide,  Beauvaria bassiana (Mycotrol®), a sweet potato weevil’s pheromone trap, Pherocon unitraps and tropical cover crops with nematode-allelopathic effects and their associated soil health benefits were examined at the Poamoho Experiment Station.


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FMI:Koon-Hui Wang


Evaluation of Bexar Insecticide Against Avocado Lace Bug


Jensen Uyeda

University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources


 First reported on Oahu in 2019, then it spread to all major Hawai'ian islands. The Avocado Lace Bug damages the leaves of avocado trees of all ages. In the most severe cases, the tree completely loses its foliage, greatly reducing the treeʻs ability to support flowering and fruits, causing a major reduction in yields. It has a lifespan of about three weeks, giving multiple generations in one year. In 2021, both organic and conventional pesticides were evaluated on their effect on controlling the Avocado Lace Bug. Because there are limitations with the application times of those products, Bexar was subsequently evaluated. Bexarʻs effective compound is tolfenpyrad, which works differently than the previously evaluated products. This paper discusses the effects of Bexar on controlling the Avocado Lace Bug.


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FMI: Jensen Uyeda

Hydrogel Baits for Ant Control and the Combined Use of Hydrogel Baits and Tanglefoot for Citrus Sooty Mold Control


Jia-Wei Tay

Roshan Manandhar

Koon-Hui Wang

Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa


Ants can play a crucial role in the health of fruit trees. Ants' have a tendency to protect honeydew-producing pests such as aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, and scales, which can have negative consequences for biocontrol efforts. Outbreaks of these pests and the growth of sooty mold fungi can be quite problematic. Traditional pesticide sprays pose risks to non-target organisms. However, researchers have explored innovative approaches, such as using liquid sucrose bait infused with a low concentration of insecticide delivered through hydrogel beads spread on the ground. Additionally, using a sticky compound on tree trunks to deter ants from reaching the foliage has shown promise. A recent study investigated the efficacy of a boric acid hydrogel bait, used alone and in combination with the sticky compound, in an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy to combat big-headed ants and sooty mold on citrus trees. This IPM approach not only mitigates the risk associated with pesticides but also offers more effective, long-term control of sooty mold in fruit trees.


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FMI: Jia-Wei Tay

Diamondback Moth Management with Organic and Conventional



Rosemary Gutierrez-Coarite, Jensen Uyeda, Josh Silva and Kylie Tavares

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa


The diamondback moth (DBM) Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus) is the most serious pest of Brassica crops. Controlling DBM is particularly challenging due to its propensity to develop insecticide resistance, which is caused by continuous exposure to insecticides with the same mode of action. Therefore, the rotational use of insecticides has become an indispensable tool in the long-term management of DBM and the viability of Brassica crops industries in Hawai’i. It is very important to incorporate new insecticides into the insecticidal rotations to avoid future DBM insecticide resistance. An insecticide trial was conducted in the Island of Maui to test conventional insecticides Harvanta and Spear-Leap, and the organic insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) for DBM control.


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FMI: Rosemary Gutierrez-Coarite

Evaluating Alternative Static Hydroponic Solutions


Pono Chung¹, Jari Sugano¹ and Jensen Uyeda2

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources

¹Oahu County, ²Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences

September 2023


Growing lettuce in a static hydroponic system is a simple way to grow commercially or at home. A popular hydroponic fertilizer used throughout Hawai'i, a blend of 8-15-36, calcium nitrate, and magnesium sulfate, has been discontinued, leaving growers with a limited supply available. The search to find new commercially available fertilizers has become a top priority for CTAHRʻs Static Hydroponic Program. In August of this year, observational trials began, comparing three promising fertilizer formulations.


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FMI: Pono Chung


 Netting for Physical IPM of Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle 


 Joshua Silva 

Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences 

University of Hawai'i at Mānoa


First detected on O'ahu in 2013, the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle became a major pest of coconut and palm species. Devouring the meristem will possibly cause leaf damage or even worse complete crown death. There have been multiple approaches to managing CRB, however, attempts to control CRB have been limited for growers that do not use synthetic insecticides or rely on the use of mulch for water management practices. In this article, University of Hawai'i extension agent Joshua Silva employs a physical barrier intended to trap and kill adult CRB on trees and mulch piles.


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University of Guam, CNAS. 2015. CRB

FMI: Joshua Silva

Agroecology: A Pathway to a new Model for Agriculture in



Hector Valenzuela, Ph.D., Albie Miles, Ph.D

Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences,

University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa

Sustainable Community Food Systems

University of Hawai’i - West O’ahu


In this paper, advocates for a transformation in Hawaiʻi's agricultural practices by embracing Agroecology, a science-based approach rooted in ecological principles and social values. Agroecology seeks to promote food sovereignty, uphold indigenous and cultural identity, and enhance rural economic well-being by reducing reliance on external inputs and optimizing biological processes on farms for improved pest control and nutrient cycling. This paper explores the fundamental factors affecting agriculture in Hawaiʻi, providing a clear foundation for the discussion.


Read paper here

FMI: Hector Valenzuela

Hawai‘i Gardeners Trial Snow Pea Varieties for Community Science Project


By Marielle Hampton, James Keach, and Emilie Kirk

College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Seed Hui

University of Hawai'i at Mānoa


In early 2023, gardeners from across the state of Hawaiʻi enthusiastically engaged in a snow pea variety trial organized by the CTAHR Seed Hui's community science program in collaboration with the Hawaiʻi Seed Growers Network and Extension agents. The primary objective of this initiative was twofold: to assist local growers in making informed snow pea selections for their crops and to foster a culture of seed saving within the community.


Read full article here

FMI: Marielle Hampton

NRCS PIA In Action: Team Assesses Maui Damage for Emergency Assistance


NRCS, Pacific Islands


Standing on a wind-swept upland range with a view down to the Maui coast and the charred grasses that lay between, J. Scott Meidell, of Haleakala Ranch, came armed with a plan for recovery.

Meidell, president of the Haleakala Ranch Company, huddled with an assessment team from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service of the Pacific Islands Area whose mission is to spearhead efforts to provide emergency disaster assistance to private landowners, farmers and ranchers impacted by the recent Maui wildfires.

“Assistance in recovering from catastrophic events like this is essential in order to get food production back up and land management practices back in place to protect the community and the land,” said Meidell, emphasizing the ranch’s 135-year history of taking care of the land through their agriculture leases and cattle raising operations.  


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Invasive Pest Conference, 2023: A Glimpse


Roshan Manandhar

Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa


A two-day conference on the invasive pests at the Blaisdell Center in Honolulu, Oahu (August 9 -10, 2023) was successfully concluded. This conference featured 27 talks on a diversity of invasive pests ranging from invasive weeds, agricultural and landscape pests, and other topics including climate change, and biological control presented by CTAHR research, extension faculty, and other partner agencies. It was great having a keynote speaker, Phillip Andreozzi, USDA Invasive Species Coordinator, who spoke twice at this conference. Phillip first shared his experience and insights of invasive species relating to our life, planet, and everything, then second on coordination, collaboration, and opportunities in invasive species projects in the Pacific.


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Read abstracts from the conference

Other CTAHR Publications & Programs

for sustainable and organic production systems 

CTAHR Publications

Organic Corner + University of Hawai'i Organic Transition (UHOT)

Attention Hawai'i growers! We are excited to announce the launch of the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) at the University of Hawaii. The University of Hawai’i’s Organic Transition (UHOT) program is designed to assist Hawai'i farmers transitioning to organic practices. As part of these efforts, UHOT will feature quarterly updates and tools in Hānai’Ai, so check future newsletters for the latest guidance for transitioning growers.


With a commitment spanning five years, UHOT in partnership with Hawaii Farmers Union, MAO Organic Farms, and other collaborators will provide vital technical assistance and comprehensive support to both transitioning and existing organic farmers. Partnerships will offer mentoring services, technical assistance, community-building opportunities, and even organic workforce development.

Under this program, our partner organizations are dedicated to supporting your journey toward organic farming success. They will connect transitioning farmers with mentors who will provide guidance and support for at least one year after certification. Furthermore, paid mentoring networks will be established to facilitate the sharing of practical insights and advice within the organic farming community. Our aim is to assist producers in overcoming technical, cultural, and financial challenges during and after the certification process.


Organic Certification: Getting Started

Organic growers should be certified by an accredited agent. Certification is an assurance to consumers, retailers and brokers of organic produce that the produce marketed as “certified organic” has been grown under standards set by the National Organic Program. Growers with less than $5,000 in annual organic sales are exempted from the certification requirement, but are encouraged to file an affidavit of NOP compliance with a certifying agent. Certification costs will vary, but a significant portion of the cost may be reimbursed by federal cost share program managed by the Farm Service Agency. For more information see:



Nearly 80 agents are currently authorized to certify farms and businesses to the USDA organic regulations. Most USDA-accredited certifying agents are allowed to certify farms and businesses anywhere in the world. Farmers, ranchers, and processors may choose to work with any USDA-accredited certifying agent. The Organic Certifier Locator is updated regularly by the National Organic Program and can be accessed here: https://go.hawaii.edu/Pky


The table below has been updated to reflect the most recent data available regarding the number of certified operations in Hawai’i and the agents who certify them.

To apply for organic certification, you must create an Organic System Plan (OSP), which

describes how your farming, handling, and/or processing practices meet organic standards. The OSP should clearly explain your operating plan, including information on crops, animals, harvests, sales, records, soil-building practices, pest management, health care, pasture, and any other practices related to organic production. A generic template for an OSP is here: https://go.hawaii.edu/2ky

For assistance in developing your OSP, contact your local UH Cooperative Extension Office https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/site/Map.aspx


For more information on certification, see: www.ams.usda.gov/services/organic-certification


List of USDA-accredited third-party certifiers operating in Hawaiʻi. Compiled from: USDA National


Organic Program List of certified USDA organic operations

(https://organic.ams.usda.gov/Integrity/). Accessed 08/29/2023.


To learn more about the partner organizations involved in establishing this extensive network for transitioning and existing organic farmers in Hawai'i and across the continental U.S., we invite you to explore our interactive map. Visit this link: https://go.hawaii.edu/kth and discover the exciting opportunities awaiting you on your organic farming journey.

Exploring soil biodiversity


The Soil Microbial Ecology Laboratory together with the Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa are conducting a study exploring soil biodiversity and their associations with soil health. In the same way farmers play a vital role in our community, soil organisms, especially soil microbes are an essential part of farming systems. The main goal of this project is to develop an affordable tool that allows both farmers and researchers to monitor soil health through the lens of soil biodiversity and soil microbiomes. Soil microbial activity is considered one of the metrics recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a soil health indicator. This project will complement the soil health work already being done by better understanding how specific management practices can affect soil microbial total diversity over a long-term period in tropical soils. This will empower farmers to choose and implement specific management practices that build better soil diversity and consequently soil health. Finally, this study will build our understanding of the microbial indicators that are associated with healthy and unhealthy soils. We are looking for farms that are transitioning, for instance, from conventional to organic, or from a more degraded soil into a more sustainable and healthy soil. Participation requires minimal effort. We will first send a brief questionnaire to you, which will include questions about the type and frequency you implement soil and crop management practices, the land use history, crops, and the size of your operation. In the future, we will ask to collect soil samples (~1 cup) from your farm, twice a year for 3 years. Collection time and frequency can change, depending on your farm’s management operations. Individual farm data collected for this study will be combined into groups and your identity will not be disclosed. In return, we will provide a small honorarium to participating growers, as well as the soil health score, fertility measurements, and microbial profiles for your soils.


To participate or to find out more about this study please feel free to contact Dr. Giovana Slanzon at giovanas@hawaii.edu.


Mahalo nui,

Giovana Simao Slanzon, Project Coordinator on behalf of Drs. Nhu Nguyen and Ted Radovich



For New Farmers

Grants for Students in Organic


Future Organic Farmers gives $5,000 scholarships to college and vocational students training for careers in organic. 


Future Organic Farmer grants are an investment in our future food system. The more beginning farmers who pursue organic, the more we increase organic acreage and feed our communities organic food. We hear from our Future Organic Farmer grantees that this scholarship helped them pursue organic and gave them the confidence to succeed. 


Grant amount: $5,000

Eligibility Requirements: Future Organic Farmer must:

  • Be enrolled in an educational program in the United States that will benefit their career in organic agriculture, including vocational training/certificate programs or two/four-year degrees
  • Demonstrate financial need 
  • Demonstrate a strong interest and commitment to a career in organic agriculture
  • Submit a final report at the end of the award year


Click here to apply

Grant Assistance


Oahu Agriculture Conservation Association provides assistance with loan/grant applications to help you advance the next step of your business.


1. We provide one-to-one support in applying for grants and loans. We can assist with:

  • Funding research
  • Comprehensive grant writing/application development
  • Review of grant applications prior to submission
  • Connecting to lenders and more


Submit our intake form assistance.

2. We connect producers to help with:

• Conservation Practices


• Branding and Marketing

• Composting

• Farm Loans

• Disaster Assistance

• Infrastructure


3. We host workshops that feature diverse partners with expertise in:

• Grant and Loan Programs

• Business and Strategic Planning

• Farm Planning

• Feasibility Assessments

• Conflict Resolution (often financial)


Click here for more information

Garden with the Master Gardener

Ti Leaf Plant Propagation at Kaimukī High

School Recommended Cutting Techniques


Prepared by UH Oahu Master Gardeners: Shannon Fagan and Barbara Maresca


Ti Leaf plants are known to be hardy and resilient. The cuttings naturally root and sprout new shoots without much care, other than regular watering. This article highlights Kaimuki High Schoolʻs project focusing on Ti leaf propagation and recommended cutting techniques.


Read full article here

FMI: Tina Lau

FYI & Events

The Future of Food & Agriculture in Hawaiʻi

Speaker Series Presents

Join us on Thursday, October 19 @ 5:00-8:00pm for a panel discussion on:

Disaster Preparedness & Food System Resilience in Hawaiʻi: Best Practices & Lessons Learned

Interest Form

Hawaiʻi Food System Summit Scheduled for December 13-15, 2023


The next Hawaiʻi Food System Summit is set for December 13 to 15.

  • The pre-summit will take place on December 13 at the Waiwai Collective in Honolulu facilitated by Mahina Paishon.
  • The Food Summit will take December 14 and 15 at UH West Oʻahu. 

For more on the process, people and key outcomes of the 2023 Food System Summit, please visit our Food Summit page. As we bring our focus towards the many food and agriculture issues facing Hawaiʻi, the need for a comprehensive food system plan, including strategies for building food system resilience and robust disaster preparedness, remains a key priority for many stakeholders. For more information on the event, please refer to our Food Summit page and contact: roella@hiphi.org.

Kumusta and Hola from the Local Immigrant Farmer Education (LIFE) program!


Did you know? 25.4% of Hawaiʻi’s population speaks a language other than English at home., and at least 130 languages are spoken across Hawaiʻi, according to a 2016 study by DBEDT (Department of Business, Department of Economic Development and Tourism). English is a tricky language filled with rules and exceptions to those rules, which are challenging to learn when your home language may be quite different. Now imagine the difficulty of reading a research paper filled with technical terms and peppered with acronyms, or filling out lengthy forms to apply for grants or other support.


The LIFE program seeks to remove language barriers for immigrant farmers who contribute so much to local food sustainability. One of those supports is to provide training in multiple languages and to create translated materials to support our farmers. Check out translated resources, or submit a request for interpretation services


Browse our translated resource library for more information https://cms.ctahr.hawaii.edu/life/ Also check us out on Facebook and Instagram @uhm.life

Livestock Wala'au: Livestock Podcast


Livestock Wala'au podcast presented by the University of Hawaiʻi College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. This podcast serves as a way for the livestock community to connect, talk story, and learn.


Listen to the Podcast

Malama the Farmer, Caring for Yourself and Each Other An AgriABility Regional Workshop in Hawaiʻi


October 17th-18th, 2023

Grand Naniloa Hotel

93 Banyan Drive Hilo, HI 96720


Malama the Farmer: "Caring for Yourself and Each Other" is an AgriAbility regional workshop taking place on October 17th-18th, 2023 at the Grand Naniloa Hotel in Hawaiʻi. The workshop aims to provide guidance and support to farmers, emphasizing the importance of self-care and fostering a sense of community among participants. For more information on attending this workshop please click here.

Hawaiʻi Farmers Union United (HFUU) membership


Why Be A Member of Hawai’i Farmers Union United (HFUU)? HFUU is all about supporting the family farmer and putting Hawai'i back on track to a safe and secure food future. The mission of HFUU is to collectively create food security, food sovereignty, and rebuild our ʻāina for a better future. Visit their website to learn how to become a member.

Register today

Mahi ‘Ai Business Loan

Some uses of the loan:

Establish or expand your small agricultural business; working capital for produce and livestock; available for a broad spectrum of farming methods; including in-ground or above-ground farming, greenhouse, hydroponic, and more.


Loan Amounts:

$2,500 – $100,000 (Loan amounts over $50,000 require non-real estate collateral)


Rates & Terms

  • 4.00% APR
  • Up to a 7-year term
  • Up to 6 months loan deferment


Eligibility Requirements

  • U.S. Citizen
  • State of Hawai‘i Resident
  • Applicant must be of Native Hawaiʻian ancestry
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Credit score 600 or higher
  • Debt-to-income ratio is no more than 45%
  • Business must be registered with DCCA and in good standing


Click for more info

Hua Kanu Business Loan


The Hua Kanu Business Loan Program is available to Native Hawaiʻians who own established business. Created on July 17, 2013, the low-cost loans are intended to help these small-businesses expand. It is meant to provide them access to credit and capital that allow them to grow as well as remain financially viable.


Hua Kanu Business Loan info

Together We Farm courses


West Oahu Soil and Water Conservation District and partners are offering courses on soil health and nutrient management, worker protection standards, and pesticide safety.

Post-course completion:

  • participants are eligible to apply for up to $1,000 of funding to implement lessons that are covered in the course.
  • free soil test,
  • $50 in soil amendments/fertilizers or pesticides
  • CEUs are also available.


To start the courses, go to Together We Farm and create an account. For questions about the courses, grants, awards, or help signing up, email Andreanna Kaluhiokalani at oacaoutreach@gmail.com or call (808) 673-8670.

Organic Market Development Grants


Eligible applicants for Organic Market Development grants include business entities (regardless of legal structure) who produce or handle organic foods. Producer and handler applicants must either be certified to the USDA organic standards or in transition to organic certification, consistent with 7 C.F.R. §205. Such applicants must be registered in the Organic INTEGRITY Database before the date of the Notice of Award.  


This program will support the development of new and expanded organic markets by providing additional resources for businesses transitioning to organic or initiating new organic production and processing capacity. These investments in certified organic infrastructure, expanding capacity for aggregation, processing,[1] manufacturing, storing, transporting, wholesaling, distribution, or consumer markets, and supporting activities which develop new markets, are anticipated to increase demand for domestically produced organic agricultural products and provide additional market paths.


Click here for more information


Western Region Sustainable Agriculture and Education Program (WSARE)

Farmer/Rancher Grant Program 2024 Call for Proposals Deadline: Oct 25, 2023 12:00 PM (MST)


The Western SARE Farmer/Rancher Grant Program focuses on advancing on-farm sustainability solutions by funding innovative producer-driven research and outreach. With a Farmer/Rancher Grant, an agricultural producer serving as the main applicant and Principal Investigator (PI) works with a Technical Advisor (TA) to develop a project (1-3 years in scope) that conducts both research and outreach on a sustainable agriculture topic. With the support and guidance of the technical advisor, farmers and ranchers integrate research and education to conduct on-site experiments to address social, environmental, and economic aspects of agricultural sustainability.


Projects with 1-2 producers may apply for up to $25,000 and projects with 3 or more producers working together may apply for up to $29,900.


Contact: Cayley Eller, Program Manager, (406) 994-7349

Download CFP



Professional + Producer


The Professional + Producer Program provides opportunities for agriculture professionals working directly with farmers and ranchers on sustainable agriculture efforts.

Deadline: Oct 31, 2023 12:00 PM (Mountain Time)


This grant program involves agricultural technical advisor (main applicant) and producers implementing projects to address identified needs in sustainable agriculture. With the collaboration of at least three producers, projects must integrate research and education aiming to advance the three components of sustainable agriculture- environmental, economic, and social- and use innovative educational outreach to disseminate new knowledge to producers and other agricultural stakeholders. It is expected that outcomes of funded projects will result in quantifiable benefits for producers, increase the preservation of the natural and social resources upon which agriculture relies, and be shared with other producers. $75,000 limit/one-three years in scope.

Download CFP



Research to Grassroots


The Research to Grassroots (RGR) grant program is built on the SARE concept that results of applied research are used to train agricultural professionals and farmers/ranchers in the latest practices of sustainable agriculture. Successful proposals must incorporate the research results from SARE-funded research projects and bring those results into the field through education for ag professionals and producers, emphasizing the strengths and barriers to adoption of the selected previous work, ultimately helping to increase producer confidence in adopting sustainable agriculture practices.

Funding for Research to Grassroots grants are based upon the idea that these grants will “complete the circle” of research by providing feedback loops between producers, educators, and scientists.

Project approaches can include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Trainings
  • Focus Groups
  • Curricula or Materials Development
  • Demonstrations
  • Web-based Courses
  • Tours
  • Digital Media


Download CFP



Grant Writing Tutorials & Webinars


Western SARE staff have developed a series of tutorials and webinars to assist as you prepare your proposal. Please take a moment to review which ones are appropriate for the grant program to which you're applying and view them prior to finalizing your proposal.


WSARE Grant Writing Tutorials & Webinars


Fresh Growth Podcast


We talk with Tangy and Matt Bates who operate Blue Creek Livestock in Delta Junction Alaska in Episode 6. Since the beginning, Blue Creek Cattle has been building soils and herds. Tangy and Matt talk about the opportunities and challenges of farming in Alaska. Cover crops and building their own butcher shop are only two of many topics discussed in this episode.


Listen to Podcast


For more information, please see: http://www.westernsare.org/ or contact Hawai'i WSARE co-coordinators Jensen Uyeda (juyeda@hawaii.edu) and Sharon Wages (smotomur@hawaii.edu). 

This e-publication has been prepared by CTAHR research scientists and extension staff to deliver science-based information about sustainable and organic production systems to serve Hawaiʻi's farming community.


  • To continue receiving this newsletter, please confirm your interest by subscribing or updating your profile/email address.
  • If this publication has been valuable, please forward it to others
  • Send in your suggestions for what you want to read about in our articles
  • Tell us about your research needs.


Mahalo nui loa,


Eric Collier Education Specialist and Managing Editor

Amjad Ahmad, Kylie Tavares & Emilie Kirk Co-Reviewers

Sharon Wages Jensen Uyeda WSARE Content Reviewers

Ted Radovich Editor-in-Chief


Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program

Cooperative Extension Service

College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources


On-line version of newsletter as well as archived issues available at:  



Hawai‘i Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawai‘i without regard to race, sex, gender identity and expression, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or status as a covered veteran.


Eric Collier | Education Specialist, Social Media & Web Manager | colliere@hawaii.edu

Copyright ©2013 University of Hawai‘i - College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. Updated 4 Nov, 2021

Get In Touch

CTAHR Sustainable and Organic Program

at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa


Dr. Theodore Radovich


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