In November 2018, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DLNR-DOFAW) staff discovered unknown caterpillars (larvae) defoliating māmaki in the back of Olowalu, in the West Maui Mountains. Within a week, the same caterpillars were found feeding on māmaki plants in East Maui.
Specialists confirmed this new pest as the ramie moth, Arcte coerula (Guenée, 1852) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
This the first detection of the ramie moth in Hawaiʻi and the United States. As of November 2020, this new pest has spread to Hawaiʻi Island.
The ramie moth poses threats to several of Hawaiʻi's endemic species. Caterpillars cause huge defoliation of māmaki leaves which can lead to the eventual death of infested plants.
This impacts our native forests where māmaki is an important ecological component of mesic forests.
The ramie moth also competes for the same resources as the endemic Kamehameha Butterfly which also specializes in māmaki and other endemic nettles.
Māmaki is also an important plant for all of us! It is used commonly in lāʻau lapaʻau healing practices and has become an emerging agricultural industry for the islands due to the plantʻs medicinal properties.
Māmaki is an important ecologically, culturally, and agriculturally and we are taking efforts to combat this new invasive in Hawaiʻi.
We aim to provide information that will help you identify ramie moth larvae, the damage caused to māmaki plants, differentiating it from our endemic insects on māmaki, and methods for management.
Life Stages: