Services / Publications / About Us
On Sunday, December 8, over 35,000 participants ran, walked, or rolled across the finish line at the 52nd Annual Honolulu Marathon. Proud CTAHR-ians, including staff, students and alumni, were among the finishers who persevered through the 26.2 mile course.
At the Campus Center Ballroom on Saturday, December 14, CTAHR hosted its Fall Convocation ceremony. Thirty-four graduating students from the College’s undergraduate and graduate programs took part in the celebration.
In the most recent episode of the UH CTAHR Seeds of Wellbeing (SOW) Podcast, producer Jim Crum interviews Dean Parwinder Grewal of the University of Hawaiʻi’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resilience.
Mahalo to Oʻahu County Administrator Jari Sugano and the fabulous folks at the Urban Garden Center (UGC) in Pearl City for helping CTAHR and the UH community thank UH System President David Lassner.
All are welcome on January 25, when a plaque commemorating 106 years of the 4-H youth development program in Hawaiʻi will be dedicated on Maui near the site of the state’s first 4-H club. Past participants and their families are encouraged to share their Hawaiʻi 4-H stories.