Their Research Is Taking Off 5 April 2019

Their Research Is Taking Off

Up, up, and away! Want to know more about growing jet fuel from plants? Junior researcher Adel Youkhana (NREM), Richard Ogoshi (TPSS, retired), and their co-authors recently published a new paper in Energy & Fuel Journal, “Review of Biomass Resources and Conversion Technologies for Alternative Jet Fuel Production in Hawai’i and Tropical Regions.”

The Awards of Excellence 29 March 2019

The Awards of Excellence

This year’s illustrious and deserving awardees for the 2019 CTAHR Banquet have been selected, including Dave Chun (left) for Ka Lei Hano and Barry Brennan (PEPS, right) for Outstanding Alumnus. To congratulate them in person and hear more about their impressive and helpful accomplishments, make sure that you come to the 2019 CTAHR Banquet!

Man on Fire 22 February 2019

Man on Fire

Wildfires are a serious concern, in the Islands as well as on the Mainland. Wildland fire expert Clay Trauernicht (NREM) recently gave a presentation on this timely subject on Maui, in which he explained that since 72 percent of wildfires with known causes are accidental, that means they can be prevented, and the time for prevention is now!  

New Faces: Shannon Sand 31 January 2019

New Faces: Shannon Sand

Shannon Sand (NREM) will be the new assistant Extension agent in Agricultural Finance. Based out of the Komohana Agriculture Research & Extension Center in Hilo, she will have state-wide responsibilities. Shannon has earned master’s degrees in Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, and Food and Resource Economics. Please welcome her when she starts work in June!

Sugarcane and Sustainability 24 January 2019

Sugarcane and Sustainability

A new study, co-authored by NREM’s Kimberly Carlson, suggests that only one third of global sugarcane production complies with Bonsucro, the leading sustainability standard for sugarcane. “Voluntary Sustainability Standards Could Significantly Reduce Detrimental Impacts of Global Agriculture” was recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.


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