CTAHR Philosophy on Agricultural Technology
Hawai‘i has a centuries-old tradition of food production, and CTAHR is continuing this agricultural tradition into
the 21st century. Hawai‘i’s farmers, from small-scale and
beginning farmers to well-established operations, face
many challenges and opportunities. The role of CTAHR as a land-grant institution is to assist all members and
sectors of Hawai‘i’s food and agricultural system to reach
their full potential in an environmentally and socially
compatible way. Using tools developed over millennia,
societies worldwide have developed resilient agricultural
systems, well adapted to social and environmental conditions unique to their locations. Today, agricultural
scientists continue to partner with the community in
the effort to meet the food needs of a growing world
population. This is achieved by addressing contemporary
agricultural problems with the most advanced scientific
capabilities, while respecting earlier contributions of
agriculturalists and traditional approaches to agriculture.
New technologies, integrated with time-tested
production methods, have been developed to increase
the net productivity of agricultural systems in order to
provide food for society. CTAHR promotes the improved
efficiency of traditional food production programs
through increased knowledge. We conduct research that
develops and tests new biological, ecological, chemical,
and genetic technologies, through near-market and
strategic research. We uphold the values of academic
freedom and respect the rights of farmers and consumers
to decide which technologies are most appropriate.