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Recruitment Updates - A Sunday Well Spent
Kellie Taguchi
/ Categories: ASAO, Recruitment

Recruitment Updates - A Sunday Well Spent

Members of CTAHR spent their Sunday (Nov 18) met with the nearly 300 local high school juniors, seniors, and their families that attended the UHM Application Day Event hosted by the Office of Admissions. The purpose of the event was to encourage prospective students to apply and enroll in our programs. Faculty came out in full force with food science demos, cactus giveaways, and other fantastic displays! Big Mahalo to TPSS, PEPS, ANSC, FSHN/DTCS, HDFS, MBBE, NREM faculty, and Student Ambassadors for volunteering a part of their weekend to help make a great impression on our local students. In addition to the resource fair, the event also included application workshops, financial aid info sessions, and campus tours. 

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