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Kellie Taguchi
/ Categories: ASAO

HNFAS Teaching Award Nominations

Congratulations to Danita Dahl, Douglas Vincent, Rajesh Jha, Monica Esquivel, Jen Draper, Zoia Stoytcheva, Joannie Dobbs, and Jenee Odani for being nominated to the teaching award!




Danita Dahl

2 years with CTAHR

What was your best teaching moment?

"The moments when students are engaged and are having fun while learning new things are the best. When we find topics exciting they tend to stick with us for a lifetime rather than just long enough to take a test."





Doug Vincent

33+ years with CTAHR

What was your best teaching moment? 

"Everyday in the class room is a best teaching moment. Specifically developing (with TPSS' Brian Turano) our Grant Writing for Graduate Students class and watching graduate students put those skills into practice and be successful is a best moment."





Rajesh Jha

7 years with CTAHR

What was your best teaching moment?

"When a failing student got motivated from the successfully story I shared in class and did really well afterwards."






Monica Esquivel

3 years with CTAHR

What was your best teaching moment? 

"My best teaching moments are when my past students share their success, either being accepted into a Dietetic Internship, passing their RD exam, putting something they learned in my class to use, or getting their first job."




Jen Draper

2 years with CTAHR

What was your best teaching moment?

"A "best moment" doesn't come to mind. It is always rewarding to hear from the students how they put into practice what they learn and how they share the information with their friends and family members"







Zoia Stoytcheva

13 years with CTAHR

What was your best teaching moment?

"In the fall of 2017, some of my Honors 491 students were able to write and submit 7 papers for publication, 5 of which were selected and published in the Manoa Horizons Undergraduate Journal."





Joannie Dobbs

20 years with CTAHR

What was your best teaching moment?

"Best teaching moments happen everytime I see a student use nutrition science to challenge their own preconceived notions about food and nutrition."






Jenee Odani

2 years with CTAHR

What was your best teaching moment?

"No specific moment, but it would be whenever I have a student achieve their post-UH dream, whether it be in veterinary school, another academic program, employment, or other. I am so proud to have been able to help them in their journey!"


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