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2021 - 2022 CTAHR Grow with Us Mentoring Program
Kellie Taguchi
/ Categories: ASAO, Recruitment

2021 - 2022 CTAHR Grow with Us Mentoring Program

This is the third year that the CTAHR ASAO Office has hosted the Grow with Us Mentoring Program.  This past summer, our 20 mentors, including CTAHR students and alumni, worked with ASAO and to train its mentors to work with high school mentees from Waipahu-, Kalani-, Mililani-, Waiakea-, Roosevelt-, Campbell-, Nanakuli High School, and the PEUO Program.  In October, we started our virtual mentoring program with an orientation and monthly mentoring sessions.

Skills developed through these mentoring activities include listening skills, public speaking, emotional awareness/intelligence, and positive outputs, including community building, networking, and leadership training.  

Mentoring Event #1: November 5, 2021

Family Orientation - This virtual event provided an introductory overview of the program, coordinated the distribution of supplies and materials for the program, and established a line of communication with parents and guardians.  

Mentoring Event #2: December 4, 2021

In December, we were able to do several activities with our mentees which included an ice-breaker activity, crafting eco-friendly holiday decorations and home decor, and at-home hydroponic setups. 

Mentoring Event #3: January 29, 2022

In January, we collaborated with Genius Day to do a hands-on food science experiment with our mentors and mentees.

Mentoring Event #4: February 2022

In February, mentors and mentees participated in Service Learning events such as volunteering with the Citizen Forester, UHM Campus Community Workday, and the Keawawa clean-up.  This event was the perfect opportunity for mentors and mentees to interact with each other in person!

Grow with Us is sponsored by CTAHR, and grants are awarded to Dr. Ania Wieczorek by National 4-H Council and USDA - National Institute and Agriculture.

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