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Master Gardner News
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7 December 2018

Masters on Maui

Masters on Maui

A laudatory article in the Maui News spotlights Extension agent Cynthia Nazario-Leary (TPSS). Cynthia is also a CTAHR alumna, with a master’s degree in horticulture, for which she studied the propagation methods of breadfruit, and a doctorate in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, for which she researched the development of an understory native plant agroforestry system in Mānoa Valley. The former director of the New Farmers Network at UH Maui College, she also taught courses in horticultural principles and tree pruning at the college. Now, as an agent in urban horticulture, she is trialing sunflower varieties and overseeing the educational Bee House, in which students will learn about bees and beekeeping. She’s also the coordinator of the Maui Master Gardener Program, which still has spaces open for its 2019 class. Those interested in learning all sorts of gardening and horticultural knowledge and then sharing it with the community should look into registering for the program—for more information, contact Cynthia at


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