Past Conferences
Variety Trials-CTAHR
Past Conferences
Variety Trials-CTAHR
Oahu County's Extension in the Garden Series
Garden Irrigation on 2/23/23
Garden Pest Management on 12/8/22
Farm Food Safety Field Day on 12/7/22
Mango Flowering Showcase on 11/10/22
Locally Adapted Crops on 10/20/22
Static Hydroponics on 9/8/22
Container Gardening with HDOA on 8/11/22
In the Field with Ag Foundation with Waipahu High School on 2/15/22
In the field with
Ag Foundation with
Pearl City High School on 2/11/22
Compost Quality Workshop-In service on 7/29/21
Compost Quality Workshop on 6/30/21
CTAHR Ground Support
Leeward Community College
August 1, 2018
Status of Hawaii Agriculture and the Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program
Specialty Crops
Update on the Hemp Project
Multicolored Carrot Varieties for Hawaii
Celery Variety Field Trial
Mamaki: Hawaii's Endemic Tea
Tumeric Variety Trials
Specialty Crop: Beans
Improving Lettuce for Hawaii's Farmers
Group Gap: North Shore Economic Vitality Partnership
GoFarm Hawaii
Hawaii Seed Growers Network: Local Seeds for Local Needs
Merging Agriculture with Tourism
Value Added Products with DOH
Leeward Community College: Plant Biology and Tropical Agriculture Undergraduate Research
FSMA: Produce Safety Rule Updates
Local Fertilizers
Local Fertilizers: Tankage
Local Fertilizers: Nitrate Enriched Water From Aquaponics
Pest Management
New Agricultural Pest on Oahu with DOA
Changes to Worker Protection Standards with DOA
Diamond Back Moth Resistance Program
IR4: Pesticide Registration Program
Nematode Management: Pesticide, Cover Crop, etc.
On Farm Management of Rat Lung Worm Disease
Melon Fly Management Program: Galbraith, Wahiawa
Cacao and Tropical Fruit Pest Management
Upcoming Basil Downy Mildew Practices for Basil Production
Brassica Pests: Cabbage Webworm and Bagrada Bug
Sweet Potato Production in Hawaii: Farming without the use of Chlorpyrifos
Educational Table Top Displays:
GoFarm Hawaii
Hawaii Department of Agriculture
Hawaii Department of Health
Oahu RC&D
West Oahu Soil and Water Conservation
Hawaii Farmers Union United
Hawaii Farm Bureau
North Shore EVP
Leeward Community College
Advancing Hawaii's Edible Crop Industries
Turtle Bay Resort
The value of Hawai'i's edible crop industry,
Kathy King, State Statistician, NASS
Healthy soils and locally produced fertilizer inputs,
Dr. Amjad Ahmad, UH CTAHR
Overview of common pest groups and variety trial summaries
, Jari Sugano, UH CTAHR, Cooperative Extension Agent
Crop protection chemical resistance management options
, Jensen Uyeda, UH CTAHR, Cooperative Extension Agent
Organic and sustainable pest management options,
Dr. Koon-Hui Wang, UH CTAHR
Reflective mulch for vegetables
, Dr. Leyla Kaufman, UH CTAHR
Basil diseases - field trial summary, Drs. Janice Uchida, Mike Kawate, and Chris Kadooka, UH CTAHR
Review of diseases and possible controls
Fungicide screening
Pesticide registration update
New pest on vegetables: Bagrada bug update
, Dr. Ronald Mau and Robin Shimabuku. UH CTAHR
Post-harvest treatment options
, Lyle Wong, Pa'ina Hawai'i
Educational Table Top Displays:
Hawai'i Department of Agriculture (HDOA)
UH Sustainable Organic Agriculture Program (SOAP)
East County - Hawai'i Farm Bureau
Hawai'i Aquaculture and Aquaponics Association
Ko'olau Seed Company
Smart Yields
rewer Environmental Industries (BEI)
eed the Hunger Foundation