CTAHR | Academics | Majors | Tropical Agriculture and the Environment


Tropical Agriculture and the Environment

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How can we sustainably feed, clothe, and provide energy to more people using less land and fewer inputs? The Tropical Agriculture and the Environment (TAE) program focuses on creating solutions to answer this question and more. TAE as a STEM program, encompasses various fields and utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to address current and future challenges.




Kamehameha Butterfly


Choose From Five Diverse Tracks:


Environmental Soil Sciences

Healthy soils are essential for sustaining vital processes for living systems. Learn how healthy soils are generated, maintained, and restored in agricultural and natural systems.  


Pest, Pathogens, and Invasive Species

An incredible influx of pests threatens the sustainability and viability of agricultural and natural systems. Study the biology of and novel management approaches for controlling invasive insects, plant pathogens, and weeds. 

Environmental Urban Horticulture

Plants form an integral part of our urban habitats and influence many facets of our daily lives. Master the elements of landscape design and implementation. 


Plant Sciences

Plants are complex and diverse organisms that continue to challenge our understanding of behavior, communication, and evolution. Delve into their inner workings.


Plant Production and Management

The tropics pose particular challenges for the production of plant-based food, fiber, and energy. Learn how you can contribute to sustainable and secure production. 


Agribusiness Certificate

Earn a certificate in the business and management of agricultural operations. Gain the skills needed in agribusiness management and entrepreneurship. Learn more about the Agribusiness Certificate.


Plant Production and Management Minor

Complete a minimum of 15 credits of non-introductory, upper-division-level courses to add a minor in Plant Production and Management to your degree. Contact Dr. Ken Leonhard for more information.

Magoon Research Station


tpss class


Rewarding Career Opportunities

  • Agricultural Consultant/Manager 
  • Agronomist 
  • Business Owner / Entrepreneur 
  • Conservation Specialist 
  • Golf Course Superintendant 
  • HDOA Ag Inspector 
  • Industry Research Scientist 
  • Insect/Plant Disease Specialist 
  • Landscape Manager 
  • Molecular Biologist 
  • Science Educator


Visit the Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences (TPSS) Department or Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences (PEPS) Department for more information.