Preserving Palapalai 20 June 2024

Preserving Palapalai

Extension and UGC host expert on native ferns

Palapalai is an indigenous Hawaiian fern – one of the most important plants in hula – and Oʻahu Extension was proud to host a recent talk with Hawaiian fern specialist Kay Lynch. The UH Horticulture graduate (ʻ98), Master Gardener, and founder of Lāʻau Hawaiʻi, a Hawaiian fern propagation research nursery, spoke at CTAHR’s Urban Garden Center

Ag and ʻAina 13 December 2023

Ag and ʻAina

UGC hosts Agriculture and Environmental Awareness Day

The school bus doors swung open and in the blink of an eye, pastoral serenity was replaced by organized chaos as the army of chatting, laughing, and sometimes screaming 5th graders marched toward the outdoor exhibit booths at the Oʻahu Urban Garden Center.

Open House! 11 October 2023

Open House!

Stop by Urban Garden Center THIS Saturday, Oct. 14

CTAHR faculty and staff are excited to host their first Open House at the Oʻahu Urban Garden Center since the pandemic – and public interest is super high – so head over Pearl City this Saturday morning! UGC will combine the event with the popular “Second Saturday at the Garden” to provide a variety of educational exhibits and demonstrations for the general public. 

The Fruits of Their Labor 30 March 2020

The Fruits of Their Labor

Urban Garden Center volunteers harvest and donate fruit while staying safe

For years, a dedicated group of volunteers called the Fruit Hui has maintained the research orchard at CTAHR’s Urban Garden Center in Pearl City. Harvesting over 200 pounds of fresh tropical fruit a week, the volunteers donate all excess fruit to the Hawaii Foodbank. The group of certified Master Gardener volunteers plans to continue to harvest weekly now that access to fresh food has become even more critical during the COVID-19 crisis.

STEM and Tree 27 February 2020

STEM and Tree

Master Gardeners host Alice Ball Day celebration

CTAHR Master Gardeners are honoring a special tree and the scholar it commemorates at the Alice Ball Day celebration on Friday, February 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The site of the celebration on Friday will be the chaulmoogra tree by Bachman Hall, which a group of Master Gardeners have adopted and care for.


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