6 March 2019

The Magic of Molluscs

The Magic of Molluscs

‘Opihi are not known to be noisy creatures. But the ‘opihi lab went from quiet to loud in a millisecond when Anthony Mau welcomed the Punahou School kindergarteners on their February 27 field trip to CTAHR.

“We’re delighted to get a visit from the keiki,” says Anthony, a PhD candidate in MBBE. “They learned about ‘opihi biology and got to handle live specimens and all sorts of shells.”

For his dissertation under Jon-Paul Bingham, Mau is developing ‘opihi aquaculture methods that can support commercial production of both captive and wild populations. The lab has constructed a state-of-the-art system to house the ‘opihi, which allows them to perform research in animal husbandry/reproduction, applied biochemistry, and nutrition. It’s also working with other lab groups within the UH system to integrate research. They hope to share their results with the community.

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