7 February 2019

“An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles”

“An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles”

According to biologist JBS Haldane, this is what the Creator must have, since there are so many different varieties. In celebration of an even more eminent British scientist, the UH Insect Museum will hold an open house to introduce visitors to the wonderful world of insects—including beetles!—in honor of Darwin’s 210th birthday. 

  • Date: February 12
  • Time: 1:00–4:30 p.m.
  • Location: Gilmore Hall Room 607A

There will be a series of exciting activities:

  • Specimen preparation of small moths, the size of a grain of rice.
  • Live invertebrates!Come see a variety of live terrestrial and marine invertebrates!
  • The Collection: The Museum holds over 280,000 specimens of scientific value; learn about why it is important for a broad range of research projects, and how it ties the present to the past and future.
  • A selection of educational and amazing insect displays.
  • Insect Sort-a-thon: help by taking raw field specimens and identifying them for placement in the collection. Try your hand at identifying insects and distinguishing species of moths!
  • Post a picture taken with the museum mascotBuzz, the biggest fruit fly you’ve ever seen!
  • Stump the experts! Bring in your bug pictures for identification.
  • Bug Trivia challenge! Compete in a trivia contest and win a prize for knowing the most about insects!

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