31 January 2019

The Fashion of Star-Crossed Lovers

The Fashion of Star-Crossed Lovers

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a classic love story and a stirring tragedy…but it can also be an occasion for great clothes! You’ll see it’s true at the curated group exhibit Romeo and Juliet - The Past and Through a Modern Lens put on by the Costume Collection and the FDM 460 class.

  • Date: February 25–March 8, 2019
  • Time: all day
  • Location: Miller Hall 112
  • Registration: None, just come by—it’s free!

This exhibit is inspired by the many modern retellings and performances of Romeo and Juliet (West Side Story, anyone?). It will include garments that interpret Romeo and Juliet’s dress in the styles of the 1930s, ’50s, ’70s, ’90s, and today. Also included will be historically accurate replica pieces of apparel from the time the play was first performed.

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