11 January 2019

New Year, New Growth

New Year, New Growth

As part of a collaboration between livestock Extension agent Kyle Caires and King Kekaulike High School’s Agricultural Program in Upcountry Maui, Phase III offorage research and pasture trials started on January 2 with new plantings of pasture grasses and forage crops. Over the past two years, this collaboration has generated valuable data for industry, while also providing hands-on learning opportunities for high school ag students currently enrolled in the new Animal Systems curriculum at King Kekaulike! Other students are also profiting: pictured is Creighton Purdy, a high school student at Kamehameha Schools Maui, who is completing his Hō‘ike Internship with Kyle and also participating in a research trial involving Leucaena, a valuable tree legume for subtropical pasture improvement.

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