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The National Pork Board is soliciting research proposals dealing with “Sustainability – Air.” This request seeks proposals to conduct an evaluation of the representativeness of air emissions-monitoring data collected from swine operations under the National Air Emissions Monitoring Study (NAEMS) relative to emissions from the predominate swine-production systems in use today. If emissions today are likely to be materially different than those monitored under NAEMS, the evaluation should also then estimate the nature and size of the change in emissions today relative to the NAEMs results. The Pork Checkoff funded the pork portion of the National Air Emissions Monitoring Study (NAEMS) conducted under the direction of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from 2007 to 2009.While this proposal is not seeking an evaluation of that original study design and its degree of representativeness of the industry at that time, it does acknowledge that it is necessary to understand whether the changes since 2009 in the technological and management practices employed at pork-production facilities have a material effect on the suitability of the NAEMS data for modeling emissions today and over the next several years. The committee solicits proposals to complete such an evaluation, data review and estimation of any changes in emissions from today’s systems relative to those used in NAEMS through meta-analysis and modeling techniques. Proposals should be submitted through the Application website no later than 5:00 p.m. central time on Thursday, October 18. Direct questions regarding this solicitation can be directed to Dave Pyburn at or (515) 223-2600.