11 April 2018

Food Safety in the Pacific

Food Safety in the Pacific
The Western Regional Center to Enhance Food Safety (WRC) held its second annual meeting at UC Davis in late March, and 10 members of the FSMA team of UH, University of Guam, and the American Samoa Community College, including Extension agents Kylie Wong and Joshua Silva, attended to deliver progress reports and represent the Pacific Subregion. WRC is one of four centers established nationwide by the US FDA and funded by NIFA to address compliance with the new Food Safety Modernization Act, starting with training requirements. Although it received modest funding support, the Pacific Subregion exceeded its project goals in FSMA training. Kylie and Josh, along with their collaborator Jian Yang from the University of Guam, were awarded additional funds to pursue projects on breadfruit flour, agricultural water, and cottage foods manufacturing. The Pacific Subregion demonstrated outstanding accomplishments that received compliments from those in attendance. Way to go, team!

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