21 February 2018


The next installment in the Center on the Family’s Brown Bag Seminar Series will be in Miller Hall Room 2, at noon on Friday, February 23. Sarah Yuan, Javzandulam Azuma, and Ji-Yeon Kim (all COF) will give a presentation entitled “Good to Be Home: A Pilot Study Examining Changes in Health Care Costs Among Chronically Homeless Adults in a Housing First Program.” The presenters are involved in several research projects on homeless services and substance abuse treatment programs in Hawai‘i. As they explain, housing plays a fundamental role in physical and psychological well-being. People experiencing chronic homelessness often suffer from mental illnesses, substance use disorders, and long-term disabilities; many of them make frequent and preventable use of costly ER and inpatient hospital services. Their presentation focuses on how housing stability affected the health care costs of a group of chronically homeless adults who participated in the Pathways Housing First program. Bring your lunch and come hear more!

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