14 February 2018


The Hawai‘i Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology is holding a Science Communications Lunchtime Workshop on Tuesday, February 27, from noon to 2 p.m. at the Sinclair Library in Learning Room 1. If you’re interested in journalism and want to raise awareness for conservation through media, this is a great opportunity to get involved and get published! The HI SCB is working with Ka Leo and Green Magazine Hawaii to bridge the gap between science and public understanding. Join the team, or just come to learn! Lauren McNally, editor of Green Magazine Hawaii, will be helping to lead the workshop on how to construct and submit articles with impact to journalistic-style media houses. No matter your background, you can have the opportunity to get involved, get published, and expand science communications in Hawai‘i. This workshop is open to the public. Not familiar with the HI SCB? You can learn more at this event! RSVP here. Question or comments? You can email HISCB@hawaii.edu. Lunch will also be provided!

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